Symptoms |
- Patch Scans stalls or freezes between step '4. Scan for Patches' and step '5. Wait for Results.'
- Scans go from '1 of 1 machine complete. 0 machines not scanned' to '0 of 0 machine complete. 0 machines not scanned'.
- Protect's ST.ServiceHost.Managed.Log contains an error such as:
- Failed to determine service pack name for product 'xxx'
- The required attribute 'Ordinal' was not found
Example of error found in the ST.ServiceHost.Managed.Log:
2013-09-20T16:52:08.7528184Z 0011 W PatchResultXmlSerializer.cs:225|Failed to determine service pack name for product 'Microsoft Report Viewer Redistributable 2008'.
2013-09-20T16:52:08.7684416Z 0011 E LegacyResultSerializer.cs:77|866959a1c7464ff9972859b295b69244: System.Xml.XmlException: The required attribute 'Ordinal' was not found Line 2, position 80304.
at ST.Core.Xml.XmlReaderExtensions.GetAttributeAsInt32(XmlReader reader, String name)
at ST.Services.Serializers.PatchResultXmlSerializer.ParseAssessedProduct(XmlReader reader, Int32 machineLanguageLcid)
at ST.Services.Serializers.PatchResultXmlSerializer.ParseAssessedProducts(XmlReader reader, Int32 machineLanguageLcid)
at ST.Services.Serializers.PatchResultXmlSerializer.ParseResult(XmlReader reader, PatchResultDto result)
at ST.Services.Import.Patch.PatchResultXmlSerializer.ParseMachineResult(XmlReader reader, Result`1 scanResult)
at ST.Services.Import.Patch.PatchResultXmlSerializer.ReadResult(ResultEnvelope envelope, XmlReader reader)
at ST.Services.Import.Patch.PatchResultXmlSerializer.Deserialize(Guid resultId, XmlReader reader)
at ST.Services.Import.LegacyResultSerializer`1.ParseResultBatch(ResultFile resultFile, Stream resultStream)
at ST.Services.Import.LegacyResultSerializer`1.Deserialize(ResultFile file)
2013-09-20T16:52:08.7684416Z 0011 W Dispatcher.cs:193|Invalid/incomplete results file encountered 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\LANDesk\Shavlik Protect\Console\Arrivals\Patch\Xml\Invalid/incomplete results'.
2013-09-20T16:52:08.7684416Z 0011 W ResultFileQueueManager.cs:147|Result file 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\LANDesk\Shavlik Protect\Console\Arrivals\Patch\Xml\866959a1c7464ff9972859b295b69244' is duplicate or invalid. Moving to bad files.
Cause |
This issue is caused because Protect's product detection is finding a version of an application that needs a repair/reinstall or is not supported, such as a beta or RC version of a product. The scan failing out due to this is a known defect that should be fixed in a future version of Protect.
Resolution |
First, ensure that you have the latest patch definitions by going to Help > About. Outdated patch definitions can cause this issue to occur. Running Help > Refresh Files should update your patch definitions.
If you continue to have the issue, it will be best to open a case directly with support. You can open a case at,
If you can provide the following information at the time you open a case it will help to expedite support's ability to provide a resolution:
- Protect Console side Logs as noted in this document:
- A copy of the 'Arrivals' folder, which can be found in the following location:
- Version 9 -
- Vista & Later: C:\ProgramData\LANDesk\Shavlik Protect\Console\Arrivals
- Earlier OS's: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\LANDesk\Shavlik Protect\Console\Arrivals
- Version 8 -
- Vista & Later: C:\ProgramData\Shavlik Technologies\Console\Arrivals
- Earlier OS's: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Shavlik Technologies\Console\Arrivals
- Version 9 -
If you are aware of which system may be causing the scan to fail out, it can also be helpful to obtain the following information:
- A DPD Trace of target system found to have this problem. Refer to the following document:
- An Export of the following registry keys from the target system:
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Products
Applies To |
Shavlik Protect 9.x