Patch Deployment fails on some machine. Patch Install Return Code 1058 is seen within the CL5.log on the target machine. The CL5log file can be found by navigating to C:\Windows\ProPatches on the client machine.
1955-11-05T06:15:00.7034616Z 1104 I CommandLine.cpp:2638 Patch Install returned 1058: Windows6.0-KB960859-x64.msu
This status code is caused by a failure to reach the Windows Update service.
When deploying patches on Windows Vista or later operating systems, the Windows Update service's Startup type must be set to ManualorAutomatic. Please follow the steps below to set or verify the settings.
1) Click on the Start/Windows button and type in 'services.msc' within the search box and press Enter.
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2) Locate the service entitled 'Windows Update' and double-click on it.
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Clik here to view.
3) Within the dialog box for the service, you will be able to alter the startup type to Manual or Automatic.
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Affected Product(s)
Shavlik Protect 9.x