You are attempting to install an agent using theManual Installation Scriptand the agent fails to register with the Protect Console.
You identify the issue through the following errors:
These logs are located on the client machine: C:\ProgramData\LANDesk\Shavlik Protect\Logs
Agent Registration Operation Log.
Created Monday, January 01, 2015 01:01:01AM
Error: Agent registration failed.
An cookie is required to be passed in
You are using the NetBIOS name of the Protect server in the install script, but name resolution from the client machine to the Protect server fails using NetBIOS.
STPlatformUpdater.exe /wi:"/qn /l*v install.log SERVERURI=https://ProtectServer:3121 POLICY=AV AUTHENTICATIONTYPE=PASSPHRASE PASSPHRASE=PASSPHRASE”
- Correct the NetBIOS resolution issue from the client machine to the Protect server.
- Use the FQDN of the Protect server instead of NetBIOS.
- Use the IP Address of the Protect server instead of NetBIOS.
Affected Product(s)
Shavlik Protect 9.x