We have automated the patching by using the scheduler with Shavlik. We have set the weeks to patch to co-inside with the release of Microsoft Patches "Patch Tuesday" this has been fine so far as patch Tuesday is always the second Tuesday of every month so our dev boxes recieve the patches almost immediately after then test boxes the following week along with live.
I have noly just realised that what Microsoft call "Week 2" shavlik does not necessary call it the same week, this has caused for this month and will do for the next month four groups or servers to not be patched as day one of a month is the first week as far as Shavlik is concerned. Week 2 began on the 4th of November for Shavlik so our dev boxes auto patch ran on the 7th Microsoft patches were released on the 12th by which time all the dev boxes have not been patched so live servers have started to be patched without any testing being done.
This will happen again next month as the same problem will happen the 1st is on a Sunday so Shavlik will be a week ahead of Microsoft.
Is there anyway we can adjust when Shavlik believes the week starts?
We need it to believe that week 1 will always be the first full week of the month not from the 1st of every month.
Any help would be appricaited as I am having to go in and manually adjust the "automated" patching.