Shavlik is awsome for patching VMware vSphere guest vm's, and now with version 9, ESXi hosts too.
With guest vm's you can automate the taking and tidying of snapshots before and after patching. You can even scan and patch templates and offline VM's too!
So now Shavlik has been untethered from VMware the question is: who else would like to see some or all of the same functionality for Hyper-V guest VM's?
With Hyper-V version 3 now a real alternative to vSphere, especially when you consider the licensing cost benefits, we're seeing more and more large organisations and enterprises putting up with any loss of functionality to save huge numbers of £'s/$'s on OS/virtualisation licensing.
It'd be good to know if this is in Shavlik's roadmap for Protect, or indeed already in dev.
Many thanks