You attempt to open Protect and receive the following error: You Have Renamed This Computer. To Correct Possible Communication Errors, Go To 'Tools->Console Alias Editor' from the Main Menu, Verify the Current Computer Name is Listed, and Then Save.
You did not update Protect 9.0 or 9.1 to patch 3 and your certificate has expired.
Shavlik has released updates for Protect 9.1 and 9.0 customers. Patch 3 is mandatory for all customers. This update resolves an issue which will prevent the console certificate from automatically renewing after it reaches its two year term date, at which time several issues would occur including communication failures, agent check-in failures, and console errors. You can download the latest version of Protect here: Shavlik Protect Download Page
Affected Product(s)
Shavlik Protect 9.X