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Flash Player 17 - wrong file


The latest Flash Player is apparently 1700172 but when I install it through Shavlik Protect, it still shows as missing on a re-scan.


If you look at the file size of this 172 patch, it's exactly the same as 1700169. This explains why it's not showing as installed. Also, if you extract the 1700172 patch and drill down into the version file then it says it's 169.


Now, my issue with this is that exactly the same thing happened not long ago with 1600287 and 1600296. Why aren't the right Flash patches being downloaded?

False positive MS13-081 Q285584


Hi Guys


Downloaded the latest definitions last night and have
scanned and patched 120 servers this morning.


First scan fine and all successful.


On rescanning a number of servers "90" now think they want
MS13-081 Q285584 and 11 want MS15-045 Q3046002


I have tried to manually installed MS13-081 on a number of
servers and they all say it is already installed.


I have also done this with MS15-045 and it said it is "not
required for this a server".


So the question is has anyone else experienced this false




XML False Reporting


I've scanned and deployed patches to a server multiple times since this XML was released and there is a patch that detects as missing even after verifying it is installed on the server.

MS13-081 / Q2855844


I have redeployed this patch multiple times and have manually uninstalled/reinstalled the patch to try and get the scanning to report correctly. Is anyone else experiencing this issue or have a fix for it?


Thank you

Protect Cloud Overview - FAQ



The Protect Cloud synchronization feature enables your agents to check in and receive policy updates from the cloud. This allows you to manage agents on machines that are not able to communicate directly with the console. This feature also provides you with the ability to install a Shavlik Protect Agent using the cloud.

Agents that are configured to use Protect Cloud will have two check-in options: they can continue to check in with the Shavlik Protect console, but they will also be capable of checking in and receiving policy updates via the cloud. This is particularly useful for disconnected agent machines that are away from the corporate network and unable to contact the console for updates. As long as an agent machine has Internet access, it will be able to send results and get updates using the cloud.

The following diagram illustrates the two agent check-in options:



1) How does the cloud work?

The console makes changes to agent policies and syncs to the Protect Cloud server. The  Protect Cloud server is where Protect Cloud agents check in since they can't talk to the console. All patches that are needed are downloaded straight from the vendor's website.


2) How does a traveling worker get updates?

The cloud agent on the traveling worker's machine will first try to establish communication with the Protect Console in the domain even if its VPN. If that communication is not established, it will next try to connect to the Protect Cloud server and look for any updates to the policy. If there are updates, the policy change will be made to the Protect Cloud agent and if there are new patches they are downloaded straight from the vendor.


3) Is any activity from the Protect Cloud agent sent back to the console for reporting?

Yes, results will be sent back to the main Shavlik Protect Console, however it will take longer for those results to show up since there are more steps with the sync.


4) Will installing the Protect Cloud agent on a target machine take up another license seat?

No, since the machine was already used as a target machine either by being doing an agentless scan or if there was already an agent installed, it won't take up another license seat.


5) Does it cost more to use Protect Cloud?

No, this service does not cost any extra even if you are using Shavlik Protect Standard or Shavlik Protect Advanced. All you have to do is register your account by going into the Shavlik Protect Console and clicking on Tools > Operations > Protext Sync Cloud > Create a Protect Cloud account.


6) Can you initiate a scan from the console to the target machine through Protect Cloud?

No, you can only make changes to the Agent Policy and schedule the scan through that policy. The Protect Cloud agent is treated just like an agent on a target machine connected to the Protect Console and has all the same properties, except that instead of directly communicating to the Protect Console, it is instead communicating with the Protect Cloud server.


7) Is all the traffic encrypted between Console to Cloud and Cloud to Agent?

Yes, the Console and Agent talk to the Cloud so neither has to open an inbound port.  The Protect Cloud acts as the proxy between the two.  Communication between console\cloud and agent\cloud is HTTPS web service calls using a token to provide mutual authentication.  All policy and result data is encrypted so only the console and the agent can decrypt.  The Cloud cannot decrypt your data only ensure delivery to authorized agents\console.  All data is encrypted in transit and at rest.  Results are picked up every 15 minutes so there is only a small windows of the results data being at rest before the console picks it up.

8) How often does the Shavlik Protect Console synchronize with  Protect Cloud servers?

Every 15 minutes. This can be manually updated if the user needs a full sync by going into the Shavlik Protect Console and clicking on Tools > Operations > Protect Sync Cloud > Force full update now button.

9) Can I uninstall Protect Cloud agent but keep the Shavlik Protect agent still on the target machine without having to completely uninstall and reinstall the agent?

Yes, just go to the Shavlik Protect Console and change the Policy to not sync with Protect Cloud and update the policy on the target machine.

Affected Product(s)

Shavlik Protect 9.x

MS15-025 - XML False Reporting ?


I have about 25 x Windows 2012 Enterprise servers that now showing MS15-025 as missing this morning using XML, but on the initial scan yesterday the patch wasn't missing. (using xml


When I attempt to install the patch manually I get a message saying "This update is not applicable" Anyone else have similar issues? We are patching 400+ servers this weekend so trying to figure out if its just us.

Start patch job from machine?


Hi, is it possible to start a job from a machine itself and call Shavlik via api or script? We use vCO and I'd like to orchestrate patching after a vm spins up.



Patch Deployment returned 2359302 In Deployment Tracker




How to troubleshoot 2359302 errors in the Deployment Tracker, CL5 Log, and the Windows Event Viewer




  • Deployment Tracker in Shavlik Protect displays the Status Failed with a Description of "returned 2359302"


  • c:\windows\propatches\CL5 Log on the target machine shows CommandLine.cpp:1833 CMD_TRACELOG: [Patch Install returned 2359302: Windows6.1-KB2861698-x64.msu]
  • Windows Event Log show:  "Windows update  could not be installed because of error 2359302 "" (Command line: "C:WindowsSystem32WUSA.exe "C:WindowsTEMP739d98c6-b473-4611-9ecc-62da945d89eaWindows6.1-KB2388210-x64.msu" /quiet /norestart ")".  Error 2359302 = WU_S_ALREADY_INSTALLED




2359302 is a Microsoft code that signifies the patch has already been installed.

The 2359302 message is also occasionally returned in error when the Windows Update Service is not working properly  See. Eventvwr shows 2359302 ErrorCode




Reboot the target machine to ensure the previous install attempt did not just need a reboot.


Check the patch Definition Version under the scan summary.  Sometimes a deployment is based on a older scan job that detected the patch as missing.  See How to check Protect Definition Versions for instructions to check Definitions version and to refresh files.  If Patch Assessment version is outdated, refresh files and re-scan to see if the patch is still showing as missing.  If the patch is still listed Under "Patch Missing", follow the troubleshooting steps in the document Protect Detects A Patch That Should Not Be Detected As Missing to determine if the Shavlik detection logic is in error. If the patch definition logic seems to be is in error, follow instructions under the Information to Send to Support section of the same document and open a case with Shavlik Support

If Shavlik Protect is detecting the missing patch correctly and manual installation fails, the Windows Update Service may not be working properly  Refer to the following Microsoft posts:

Eventvwr shows 2359302 ErrorCode and

Unable to install updates in Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2


Customers have also had success running a dism.exe /scanhealth against the client machine to correct the issue.


Additional Information


Microsoft Community Posts addressing code 2359302:

Microsoft Community - Microsoft Windows

You can't install updates in Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, or Windows Server 2008 R2


Affected Product(s)


Protect 9.X

Multiple Patch Cycles


We have some servers that needs a lot of patches. Is there a way to patch, reboot, then scan a server(s) multiple times until it's not missing any patches?

Agent update results



I have a couple of questions.  These are all server related.  I  have just over 100 servers (99.9% virtual) in six countries, the bulk of them in our US HQ.

1)  Why are remote patch scans sooooo slow?

     Machines are being resolved quickly, but take hours to scan, even if they have just been scanned.  I have installed agents on these remotes systems to try and help the problem.  If I do a scan or patch initiated from the agent, it scans in just a minute or so and patching is variable (obviously dependent on how many and what patches need to be applied), but reasonable.


2)  So because of problem #1, I have set up agent policies and have the scanning and patching initiated from the agent.  This worked out nicely.  I did notice that all schedules are relative to the agent, not the console and I thought I read it the opposite way in the manual, but that isn't the problem.  The agents seem to be reporting back to the console after the initial scan and I can see that in the Machines View.  I am not seeing the results of the post-patch scan, which shows that everything has been properly applied.  I would really like to see the results in the Deployment tracker without having to do another direct scan (see problem #1).  I guess this wasn't as much a question as a request/statement.




Database installation Error


Hi Guys,


Our Shavlik Protect 9.0 is refusing  to launch indicating that SQL query failed to execute( I didn't record the message)  After a little digging. I verified database were intact and did test connections to verify sql services were running and also check the integrity of the database.


I decided to relaunch the database setup tool to see if I can relink the database. It did indicate it has linked but when I tried to finish the installation it produces the error that :

Failed to commit or save the database installation


and the freezes the tool. After which it produces a database installtion error  shavlikdb.jpg


I have shrinked the database size and cleared logs and tried again but nothing was different. I have recorded the logs after those actions and here is what i got.


Any thoughts on how I can proceed or should I just call phone support to have someone look further. Thanks David



2015-05-19T16:30:29.3895623Z 0001 I Program.Main|'E:\Program Files\LANDesk\Shavlik Protect\ST.DatabaseConfiguration.exe' is starting, version: 9.0.1106.0, full name: ST.DatabaseConfiguration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=19306d7375e33918.

2015-05-19T16:30:29.4051693Z 0001 S Program.Main|Database installation wizard started.

2015-05-19T16:30:29.4208006Z 0001 S Program.InstallInteractive|Entering.

2015-05-19T16:30:33.8583892Z 0001 S InstallWizard.PrepareConfigureSqlState|Entering.

2015-05-19T16:30:33.8739881Z 0001 S InstallWizard.PrepareConfigureSqlState|Leaving.

2015-05-19T16:30:42.7647493Z 0001 S InstallWizard.GetDatabaseConnectionState|Entering.

2015-05-19T16:30:42.7959925Z 0001 S ConnectionValidator.QueryConnectionState|Entering.

2015-05-19T16:30:42.8897566Z 0001 S ConnectionValidator.QueryConnectionState|Leaving.

2015-05-19T16:30:42.9053782Z 0001 S PermissionManager.cs:158|HasPermission|Entering.

2015-05-19T16:30:42.9678710Z 0001 S PermissionManager.cs:158|HasPermission|Leaving.

2015-05-19T16:30:42.9678710Z 0001 S PermissionManager.cs:158|HasPermission|Entering.

2015-05-19T16:30:42.9678710Z 0001 S PermissionManager.cs:158|HasPermission|Leaving.

2015-05-19T16:30:42.9678710Z 0001 S PermissionManager.cs:158|HasPermission|Entering.

2015-05-19T16:30:42.9678710Z 0001 S PermissionManager.cs:158|HasPermission|Leaving.

2015-05-19T16:30:42.9678710Z 0001 S PermissionManager.cs:158|HasPermission|Entering.

2015-05-19T16:30:42.9678710Z 0001 S PermissionManager.cs:158|HasPermission|Leaving.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.0772505Z 0001 S PermissionManager.cs:158|HasPermission|Entering.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.0928894Z 0001 S PermissionManager.cs:158|HasPermission|Leaving.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.0928894Z 0001 S RoleManager.cs:28|IsInRole|Entering.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.0928894Z 0001 S RoleManager.cs:256|IsInRole|Entering.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.1553893Z 0001 S RoleManager.cs:256|IsInRole|Leaving.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.1553893Z 0001 S RoleManager.cs:28|IsInRole|Leaving.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.1553893Z 0001 S RoleManager.cs:28|IsInRole|Entering.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.1553893Z 0001 S RoleManager.cs:256|IsInRole|Entering.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.1553893Z 0001 S RoleManager.cs:256|IsInRole|Leaving.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.1553893Z 0001 S RoleManager.cs:28|IsInRole|Leaving.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.1553893Z 0001 S RoleManager.cs:28|IsInRole|Entering.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.1553893Z 0001 S RoleManager.cs:256|IsInRole|Entering.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.1709970Z 0001 S RoleManager.cs:256|IsInRole|Leaving.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.1709970Z 0001 S RoleManager.cs:28|IsInRole|Leaving.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.1709970Z 0001 S RoleManager.cs:28|IsInRole|Entering.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.1709970Z 0001 S RoleManager.cs:256|IsInRole|Entering.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.1866230Z 0001 S RoleManager.cs:256|IsInRole|Leaving.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.1866230Z 0001 S RoleManager.cs:28|IsInRole|Leaving.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.2178736Z 0001 S InstallWizard.GetDatabaseConnectionState|Leaving.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.4678838Z 0006 S DatabaseInstallerController.ExecuteInstall|Entering.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.4835104Z 0006 S DatabaseInstaller.cs:167|Install|Entering.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.4835104Z 0006 S DatabaseInstaller.cs:290|GetIntelligentTimeout|Entering.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.4835104Z 0006 S DatabaseInstaller.cs:290|GetIntelligentTimeout|Leaving.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.4835104Z 0006 S DatabaseInstaller.cs:737|SetupRolesAndUsers|Entering.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.4991284Z 0006 I DatabaseInstaller.cs:412|Changed database context to 'SH01TBVWI'.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.5147586Z 0006 S SqlPrincipalManager.cs:225|GetCreateServiceAccountLogin|Entering.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.5147586Z 0006 S SqlPrincipalManager.cs:366|GetCreateAccountLogin|Entering.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.5147586Z 0006 S SqlPrincipalManager.cs:366|GetCreateAccountLogin|Leaving.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.5147586Z 0006 S SqlPrincipalManager.cs:225|GetCreateServiceAccountLogin|Leaving.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.5460117Z 0006 S RoleManager.cs:256|IsInRole|Entering.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.5460117Z 0006 S RoleManager.cs:256|IsInRole|Leaving.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.5460117Z 0006 S RoleManager.cs:256|IsInRole|Entering.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.5460117Z 0006 S RoleManager.cs:256|IsInRole|Leaving.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.5460117Z 0006 S RoleManager.cs:256|IsInRole|Entering.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.5460117Z 0006 S RoleManager.cs:256|IsInRole|Leaving.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.5460117Z 0006 S RoleManager.cs:256|IsInRole|Entering.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.5460117Z 0006 S RoleManager.cs:256|IsInRole|Leaving.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.5460117Z 0006 S RoleManager.cs:256|IsInRole|Entering.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.5460117Z 0006 S RoleManager.cs:256|IsInRole|Leaving.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.5460117Z 0006 S DatabaseInstaller.cs:737|SetupRolesAndUsers|Leaving.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.5616342Z 0006 I DatabaseInstaller.cs:354|Commit started.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.5772586Z 0006 I DatabaseInstaller.cs:412|Linking console

2015-05-19T16:30:43.6086004Z 0006 I DatabaseInstaller.cs:364|Console linked to existing database.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.6086004Z 0006 I DatabaseInstaller.cs:909|Completed install transaction scope.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.6086004Z 0006 S RoleManager.cs:160|CleanupDbExecutorRole|Entering.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.6086004Z 0006 I RoleManager.cs:167|Removing db_executor role.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.6397674Z 0006 S RoleManager.cs:160|CleanupDbExecutorRole|Leaving.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.6397674Z 0006 S RoleManager.cs:219|GrantRolePrivleges|Entering.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.6397674Z 0006 I DatabaseInstaller.cs:412|Changed database context to 'SH01TBVWI'.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.8741529Z 0006 S RoleManager.cs:219|GrantRolePrivleges|Leaving.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.8741529Z 0006 S DatabaseInstaller.cs:167|Install|Leaving.

2015-05-19T16:30:43.8741529Z 0006 S DatabaseInstallerController.ExecuteInstall|Leaving.

2015-05-19T16:30:47.6398263Z 0001 I CredentialController.cs:292|Upgrading credentials...

2015-05-19T16:31:17.7027556Z 0001 E InstallWizard.WizardFinishClick|Failed to commit or save the database installation.: A SQL Server query operation timed out. Consider increasing the command timeout in the configuration file.

SqlError message: 'Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.', source: '.Net SqlClient Data Provider', server: '(local)\SQLEXPRESS', number: -2, state: 0, procedure: '', line number: 0.

SqlError message: 'The statement has been terminated.', source: '.Net SqlClient Data Provider', server: '(local)\SQLEXPRESS', number: 3621, state: 0, procedure: '', line number: 1.

   at ST.Data.DbAccessLayer.PersistManagerBase.AttemptExecuteCommand[T](Func`1 command)

   at ST.Data.DbAccessLayer.PersistManagerBase.ExecuteNonQuery(SqlCommand command, Boolean mustAffectRows)

   at ST.Data.Services.Credentials.UserCredentialUsagePersistManager.DeleteInvalidUsages()

   at ST.Data.Services.Credentials.DbUserCredentialRepository.Upgrade()

   at ST.UI.Controllers.Credentials.CredentialController.UpgradeCredentials()

   at ST.DatabaseConfiguration.DatabaseInstallerController.Commit(String userSqlConnection, String serviceSqlConnection)

   at ST.DatabaseConfiguration.InstallWizard.WizardFinishClick(Object sender, CancelEventArgs e)

2015-05-19T16:31:23.9060062Z 0001 I Program.DbInstallWizard_Canceled|The user has canceled the database installation.

2015-05-19T16:31:23.9528724Z 0001 E Program.ApplicationThreadException|A SQL Server query operation timed out. Consider increasing the command timeout in the configuration file.

SqlError message: 'Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.', source: '.Net SqlClient Data Provider', server: '(local)\SQLEXPRESS', number: -2, state: 0, procedure: '', line number: 0.

SqlError message: 'The statement has been terminated.', source: '.Net SqlClient Data Provider', server: '(local)\SQLEXPRESS', number: 3621, state: 0, procedure: '', line number: 1.

   at ST.Data.DbAccessLayer.PersistManagerBase.AttemptExecuteCommand[T](Func`1 command)

   at ST.Data.DbAccessLayer.PersistManagerBase.ExecuteNonQuery(SqlCommand command, Boolean mustAffectRows)

   at ST.Data.Services.Credentials.UserCredentialUsagePersistManager.DeleteInvalidUsages()

   at ST.Data.Services.Credentials.DbUserCredentialRepository.Upgrade()

   at ST.UI.Controllers.Credentials.CredentialController.UpgradeCredentials()

   at ST.DatabaseConfiguration.DatabaseInstallerController.Commit(String userSqlConnection, String serviceSqlConnection)

   at ST.DatabaseConfiguration.InstallWizard.WizardFinishClick(Object sender, CancelEventArgs e)

   at DevExpress.XtraWizard.WizardControl.RaiseFinishClick()

   at DevExpress.XtraWizard.WizardControl.OnFinishButtonClick(Object sender, EventArgs e)

   at DevExpress.XtraEditors.BaseButton.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)

   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)

   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)

   at DevExpress.Utils.Controls.ControlBase.WndProc(Message& m)

   at DevExpress.XtraEditors.BaseControl.WndProc(Message& msg)

   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

2015-05-19T16:31:23.9684809Z 0001 S Program.InstallInteractive|Leaving.

2015-05-19T16:31:23.9684809Z 0001 S Program.Main|Database installation complete.

Sudden change in automated scan results


Hello Shavlik,

My Shavlik runs a scan every Thursday and today, the 'machines not scanned' turned up a number of machines that failed for this reason: "


smachNotFoundReason, FieldValue , FieldType None, DefaultValue." When I look at the scan report, it lists the machine name followed by an IP address. In my scan job, I only use the machine name. These scans have run routinely for months, so I was quite surprised to get these results. Weirder still, the folks who use those machines are here and logged in.

Can you point me in the direction of why this might suddenly occur? Last week's scan results only 'missed' machines I knew were not in use.

Thanks very much.


Using distribution servers - Which settings take precedence? Deployment Template or Agent settings?


In regards to distribution servers, we have some questions:


1. If we configure an Agent to use a distribution server to download patches, will it use this setting even if the Deployment Template says not to use on OR if a different distribution server is configured?


2. We have many distribution servers configured now and it is time for testing. Since we have multiple servers feeding different subnets, what is the best way to have an Agent query the IP to know which DS to use? At what level is this done? I see a check box "By Agent IP range" but I'm not sure how this works exactly. Does that box check the settings under Operations, Distribution Servers, IP Ranges?


Now for the Agent questions. We are currently in a mixed mode environment with about half of our machines using Agents and the other half Agentless. We are seeing some machines get patches via the Agent while the Agentless scan is also running, eventually trying to re-install the patches that were just applied by the Agent (Since the reboot hasn't occurred yet, it doesnt think the patches are there yet).


Is there anyway to tell the Agentless scan to skip machines with an Agent? Or do we need to reschedule the time of these scans/reboot schedules? We would prefer not to do this just yet, but we can if we need to.





Software Distribution Patch For Upgrading Java 7 To Java 8 (Removes Previous Version)




This document provides information about a new software distribution update for Java installation.




As of XML version, Modified 3/31/2015, Protect now contains a software distribution update that will allow you to push out the installation of Java 8 Update 40 which will also remove any version of Java 7 from the system at the time of installation.


The initial update is listed in Protect as Bulletin JAVA7U8-45, QJAVA8U45SU.



Newer versions of the "Upgrade" software distribution for Java will be added when there are new versions of Java.


To deploy these updates you will need to enable 'Software Distribution' within a scan template.

See the following document for more information about using software distribution in Protect:

Software Distribution Best Practices and Informational Guide


Affected Product(s)


Shavlik Protect 9.x

Executing patches takes a long time


I did a couple Patch deployments this week and they took a very long time. Copying the files to the servers was very fast but once it got to executing it took hours.


Here are some of the job times:


1 server installing 10 patches ran from 6:45pm to 8:45pm.

4 servers, 3 servers had 9 patches to install and 1 server had 22 patches to install. The 3 servers with 9 patches took an hour and the server with 22 patches i had to cancel after an hour and 45 minutes (and start it again).


Some of the patches where only 500k or smaller and it took anywhere from 10 to 25  minutes for those to show as executed.


Any ideas? Any logs i should be checking?


Thank you

Google Earth update failing


Hello, Using WUSCAN we are seeing Google Earth Non-security update appearing as missing (Bulletin ID GE15-001) and the patch fails to install. On further inspection, GE15-001 is looking for Google Earth file version, but it appears that version (a newer version) is already installed.  This is happening for several workstations.  Our users do not have admin rights, so I don't think anyone installed a newer version manually. Please advise.

Automated scheduled patch jobs do not run.


I have a scheduled job that I think is configured to scan then patch Adobe and Java products which are specified in my patch groups. However, on the days that are set for it to deploy and patch, nothing happens. I see that the patches are deployed and are physically on the target device. However, I do not see anything updated at all in the cl5.log file for the date nor do I see any batch files created. Any help is welcome, thank you.

Using Custom Actions To Deploy MSU/MSI Files



This document outlines how to create a custom action specifically for the launch of a MSU file




To make the msu install work you must have the following:



Syntax for batch can be found at: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/934307

Additional information on Custom Actions:  Custom Action - How To Work With Batch Files

Please note:  You must have a /quiet switch for this to install silently.

1. You must then push out the msu, wusa.exe, and batch file to the target machine. 
2. Call the batch file
3. The batch should look something like this:  wusa.exe C:WINDOWSProPatchesInstallexample.msu /quiet


Affected Product(s)


Shavlik Protect 9.x

Shavlik Protect Crashes When Attempting To Import A Custom Patch



This document will provide details and a solution for Shavlik Protect crashing when trying to import a Custom Patch


You create a new Custom Patch and attempt to import it into Shavlik Protect.

Shavlik Protect crashes with the following popup message.




A possible cause is the Value Name and Value Data are blank in the Registry Keys portion of the Custom Patch.



  • The current versions of Shavlik Protect 9.x require values in the Value Name and Value Data fields.  You must add specific values to these fields. 
  • Another option would be to not use registry detection and use file detection only if you cannot determine a specific registry value to scan against.

Affected Product(s)

Shavlik Protect 9.x

Does Shavlik Protect 9.0/9.1 Support SHA2?



Now that Microsoft is planning on phasing out SHA1 in early 2016, the question of whether Shavlik Protect 9.0/9.1 supports SHA2 is being asked more and more.  This article will answer that question.




  • Shavlik Protect 9.0/9.1 do not support SHA2.
  • The upcoming release of Protect 9.2 late Summer will support SHA2.

Affected Product(s)

Shavlik Protect 9.x



Shavlik Protect 9.1 Randomly Crashes After Upgrade



This document will provide details and a possible workaround of Shavlik Protect 9.1 crashing issue after upgrading from a previous version.


Shavlik Protect starts to crash at seemingly random intervals after upgrading from a previous version.

To verify this you are encountering the same issue described in this article:

  1. Enable verbose logging in Tools > Options > Logging and restart Protect.
  2. Wait for the crash to occur and then navigate to where the logs are stored: C:\ProgramData\LANDesk\Shavlik Protect\Logs
  3. Open the ST.ServiceHost.managed.log and search for the following error.


Program.cs:26|System.InvalidOperationException: The associated product level must be persisted prior to merging the patch product level.

  at ST.Data.Protect.Patches.Results.PatchProductLevel.PrepareForInsert()

  at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToDictionary[TSource,TKey,TElement](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 keySelector, Func`2 elementSelector, IEqualityComparer`1 comparer)

  at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToDictionary[TSource,TKey,TElement](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 keySelector, Func`2 elementSelector)

  at ST.Data.Protect.Patches.Results.PatchProductLevel.BulkMerge(ICollection`1 patchProductLevels, Connection connection)

  at ST.Data.Protect.Patches.Results.PatchResultBatch.SaveResults(Connection connection)

  at ST.Data.Protect.Results.ScanResultBatch.SaveRelatedResultBatch(Connection connection, TimeSpan timeout)

  at ST.Data.Protect.Results.ScanResultBatch.Save(String connectionString, TimeSpan timeout)

  at ST.Services.Import.BatchImporter.PersistResultPipeline.AttemptSave(PendingResultBatch pendingResultBatch)

  at ST.Services.Import.BatchImporter.PersistResultPipeline.PersistResults()

  at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)

  at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)

  at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)

  at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()


Invalid data contained in a scan result(s) is causing the import process to fail and crash the Shavlik Protect Console service.




You need to delete the result file causing the import crash.


  1. Navigate to C:\ProgramData\LANDesk\Shavlik Protect\Console\Arrivals
  2. Delete any XML file(s) you find in the sub-folders.


Normally, this is a 'one-off' issue and should not repeat itself. If it does, you should contact support directly to work through what could be causing these invalid results.


Affected Products(s)

Shavlik Protect 9.1

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