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How To Cancel / Delete Scheduled Tasks



This document outlines how to cancel a scheduled task.




In Protect choose Manage > Scheduled Tasks.


1-scheduled tasks.png


For Deployments

Select the target machine in the tree on the left. Deployments are scheduled on the target machine.


For Scans

Select the Console machine in the tree on the left. All agent-less scans are stored in the Console's scheduler. This means that even if you are scanning a different target machine, you still select the Console machine from the tree.


2-select console.png


When the intended machine has been selected, the Scheduled Jobs should automatically populate in the list on the right.


3-scheduled job.png


Right click the desired job, and choose Delete.




When prompted to confirm, choose Delete.


5-delete prompt.png


After the job is deleted the Scheduler for the selected machine should refresh, and the scheduled task should no longer be displayed.


6-no jobs.png


NOTE: You can delete all machines from a domain or workgroup at once, but this will delete all scheduled jobs within it. To do so, select the domain/workgroup from the tree in the left window pane and then right-click and select 'Delete selected job(s)' and this will delete every job within the selected domain/workgroup.


Affected Product(s)   

Shavlik Protect 9.x

Error 452: Unable To Connect To The Remote Machine




  • Cannot scan a remote machine with Protect
  • Scanning a remote machine in Protect fails with the following error: 
    Error 452: Unable to connect to the remote machine


          You can see the error code listed in a scan result under the 'Machines Not Scanned' tab as well. 


This issue occurs if one or more scanning prerequisites are not met, usually due to a configuration issue. Generally, 452 indicates that the provided credential is invalid for accessing the remote system or does not have permissions for some component of the remote system.


To resolve this issue:

  1. Review and ensure you are meeting the Agentless Patch Scanning Prerequisites.
  2. Reboot the Protect console machine.
  3. Verify if the Server and Remote Registry services are enabled on the remote machine and that you can remotely log in to this machine.
    To test the remote registry connection:
    1. Click Start> Run, type regedit, and click OK. The Registry Editor window opens.
    2. Click File> Connect Network Registry.
  4. Ensure that the Workstation service is running on the machine performing the scan.
  5. Check if there is already a connection between the server and scanned device and that this connection is using a different set of credentials than the Protect patch server. In this case,the Protect patch server cannot establish the connection. If the target machine being scanned is already connected to the scanning server via a drive mapping, the scan fails
  6. Try scanning the target machine using both IP and Name.
  7. Test the admin share using this command:

    net use\\machine_name\IPC$/user:domain\ username password

    Note: Provide the actual name of the machine you are trying to scan, along with the same credentials that you are attempting to scan with. You can substitute machine_name with domain if you are using local credentials.
  8. Check the Local Area Connection properties on the target machine to ensure that File and Printer sharing is enabled.
  9. Try lowering your thread count for simultaneous machines scanned in the scan template to see if this eliminates the error. To do this, navigate to Scan template> General tab.

Additional Information

The patch below has been known to be the root cause of some error 452 failures:

MS15-027 (KB3002657) May Cause Patch Scans To Fail With Error 452

The following document may also prove helpful:

Scan Error 451 or 452 When Scanning A Machine Located In A Workgroup

Also, Microsoft provides a patch to resolve this issue in a specific scenario.

To verify if this is applicable, open a command prompt and run these commands:sc.exe \\Target_Computer_Namequery
If sc.exe using Target_Computer_Name works, but sc.exe using Target_IP_Ad does not work, you must apply these patches: In the console machine:

  • For Windows Server 2008, 2008 R2 and 7, apply either SP1 or the patch described in the Microsoft Knowledge Base article 2194664.
  • For Windows Server 2003 and 2003 R2, apply the patches described in the Microsoft Knowledge Base articles 975467 and 968389.

In the target machine:

  • For Windows Server 2008, 2008 R2 and 7, there are no available patches and this issue is not seen to occur in these target operating systems.
  • For Windows Server 2003 and 2003 R2, apply the patches described in the Microsoft Knowledge Base articles 975467 and 968389.

Affected Product(s)


Shavlik Protect, All Versions

Troubleshooting Shavlik Protect Patch Scan Error Messages





Many of the common Shavlik Protect scan errors can be corrected by changes to configuration or environment. This article lists the most common scan error messages and provides some guidance on correcting the issue.




Scan errors can occur:


  • If one or more of the Shavlik Protect Scanning Prerequisites have not been met 
  • If one or more configuration issues are present in Shavlik Protect 
  • Due to one or more environmental issues




The table below lists the error codes with the known reason or solution. Most scan errors can be resolved by ensuring you are meeting requirements.
Note: You can see the scan errors listed by viewing your scan result under the 'Results' section and viewing the 'Machines Not Scanned' tab of the scan result.


Error Code


Error Code 101:

Unable to determine System Language

The scan process reads the Windows ntdll.dll file to determine the language of the system. If this file is inaccessible, the prerequisite validation fails and the scan is aborted. See the following document for more information: http://community.shavlik.com/docs/DOC-23310
Error Code 105:
This issue occurs due to an access denied message at the root of the problem, or due to other enironmental or network related issues. See the following KB:
Error Code 200:
System not found. Scan not performed.
This indicates that the specified computer was not located and could not be scanned.
Error Code 201:
System not found. <system error message>
A network problem is preventing the specified machine from being scanned. Check to see that your computer (the scanning machine) is properly connected to the network and that you can remotely logon to the specified machine.
Error Code 202:
System not found. Scan not performed.
A network or system error occurred while the scan was in process. Check to see that your scanning machine is properly connected to the network and that the machine being scanned is still connected to the network. Also ensure that the remote machine is running the Server service.
Error Code 230:
Scan not performed. <system error message>
A general network error has occurred. See the system documentation for more information.
Error Code 235:
System not found, or NetBIOS ports may be firewalled. Scan not performed.
Most likely, there is no machine with the specified IP address. If a machine does exist at this address, a personal firewall or port filtering device may be dropping packets destined for TCP ports 139 and 445.
See the following KB: http://community.shavlik.com/docs/DOC-2220
Error Code 261:
System found but it is not listening on NetBIOS ports. Scan not performed.
A machine exists at this IP address but it is either not listening on, or is blocking access to, TCP ports 139 and 445.

Error Code 270:

Connected to a machine with the wrong hostname or domain name.

Ensure that you are meeting all scanning prerequisites, and that you are able to resolve the target system properly by forward and reverse nslookup.


nslookup target_IP_address

nslookup target_NetBIOS_name

Error Code 301:
SystemRoot share access required to scan.

Unable to connect to the remote machine’s system share. This may occur if the administrator has unshared the systemroot (typically C$ or similar) or has disabled the AutoShareServer(Wks) via the registry.


See: Scan Error 301 - SystemRoot share access required to scan


For more information on restoring Admin Shares, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base article 318755.
Error Code 429:
DLL is not properly registered.
Error Code 430:
Incorrect version of MDAC.
Error Code 451:
Admin rights are required to scan. Scan not performed.
The current or specified user account performing the scan does not have administrative rights to the machine being scanned. Check to see that the specified account is a member of the local administrators group on the machine being scanned (or is a member of a group with local administrative rights).
Error Code 452:
Protect is unable to scan this machine. Please check to see that you have administrative rights to this machine and are able to login to this machine from your workstation. Scan not performed.
Check to see that the Server service is enabled on the remote machine and that you can remotely logon to this machine. Ensure that the Workstation service is running on the machine performing the scan.
See the following KB: Error 452: Unable To Connect To The Remote Machine
Error Code 501:
Remote registry access denied. Scan not performed.
Check to see that the Remote Registry service is enabled on the machine being scanned.
See the following KB: http://community.shavlik.com/docs/DOC-2219
Error Code 502:
Scan not performed. Error reading Registry <system error message>
A general registry error has occurred. See the system documentation for more information.
Error Code 503:
Scan not performed. Error reading Registry.
A general registry error has occurred. No additional information is available.
Error Code 553:
Unable to read registry. Please ensure that the remote registry service is running. Scan not performed.
Check to see that the Remote Registry service is enabled on the machine being scanned.
Error Code 621:
OS of target is an unsupported version of Windows
The specified may be a non-Microsoft platform running SMB services or otherwise emulating a Microsoft product. Review the document: http://community.shavlik.com/docs/DOC-23052
Error Code 622:
Machine OS is not Recognized. Please run with tracing on and send to technical support. Scan not performed.
Unable to determine the operating system of the specified machine. This may occur when scanning beta or unreleased versions of Microsoft operating systems.
Error Code 623:
Machine Service pack is not Recognized. Please run with tracing on and send to technical support. Scan not performed.
Unable to determine the Service Pack of the specified machine. This may occur when scanning beta or unreleased versions of Microsoft Service Packs.
Error Code 701:
File http://download.microsoft.com/download/ ... secure.cab was NOT downloaded.
The signed, compressed CAB file containing the security patch information could not be obtained from the specified location. This may occur if the scanning machine is not connected to a network, or is otherwise unable to access the specified file or location. If the CAB file is not obtained, an attempt is made to access the uncompressed XML file via https.
Error Code 702:
File https://www.microsoft.com/technet/secur ... secure.xml was NOT downloaded. Attempting to find local copy of mssecure.cab.
The uncompressed XML file containing the security patch information could not be obtained from the specified location via https. This may occur if the scanning machine is not connected to a network, or is otherwise unable to access the specified file or location. If the XML file is not obtained from the network, an attempt is made to locate an existing version of this file on the local machine.
Error Code 799:
Itanium class servers are not supported by Protect.
Error Code 802:
Could not read boot.ini file in harddrive at '%s'
Unable to read the image's boot.ini file after successfully mounting the hard disk (non-Vista systems).
See: http://community.shavlik.com/docs/DOC-23104
Error Code 803:
Could not find windows install directory in boot.ini file in harddrive at '%s'
The virtual image hard drive was successfully mounted and the boot.ini file was read but the scan engine was unable to locate the %systemroot% folder at the specified location (non-Vista systems).
Error Code 804:
Could not find system32 directory for virtual system at '%s'
The virtual image hard drive was successfully mounted and the boot.ini file was read but the scan engine was unable to locate the %systemroot%\system32 folder at the specified location (non-Vista systems).
Error Code 805:
Timeout when mounting hard drive at '%s' to drive '%c'
An attempt to mount the virtual image was not successful. The mounting process timed out after 60 seconds. Try scanning this image individually to see if the mount succeeds.
Error Code 806:
Error mounting hard drive at '%s' to drive '%c'
An attempt to mount the virtual image was not successful. This can happen if the image being mounted is encrypted, is on a compressed drive, is a template or a linked clone, or any of the vmdk files are read-only. If this is a VMware Workstation or VMware Server image, this error occurs if the image is currently powered on or suspended.
Error Code 807:
Error mounting hard drive at '%s' to drive '%c' with exit code %d
An attempt to mount the virtual image was not successful. The mounting process returned an unknown error code. Contact support for assistance.
Error Code 808:
Could not get return code from mounting tool when mounting hard drive at '%s' to drive '%c' due to %s
The virtual image mounting process completed but the mount process was unable to determine if the mounting was successful.
Error Code 809:
Unknown virtual image type '%s' extracted from '%s'.
The scan engine was unable to determine the virtual image type. This may occur if scanning a currently unsupported virtual image platform.
Error Code 810:
Could not find system32 directory for virtual image: '%s'
The virtual image hard drive was successfully mounted but the scan engine was unable to locate the image's %systemroot%\system32 folder.
Error Code 811:
Could not get information about drive mounted at '%s' for system:'%s'
The scan engine was unable to determine the systemroot drive letter for the mounted image.
Error Code 812:
Could not open mounted registry key 'HKLM\\Software\\MountedDevices' for system: '%s'
The virtual image hard drive and registry was successfully mounted but the scan engine was unable to read the mounted registry.
Error Code 813:
Could not enumerate the values under the key HKLM\\Software\\MountedDevices for system: '%s'
The virtual image hard drive and registry was successfully mounted but the scan engine was unable to enumerate values from the mounted registry.
Error Code 814:
No path to vmware-mount.exe provided!
The scan engine was unable to locate the VMware mounting tool. Please make sure that the VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit has been properly installed.
Error Code 815:
Could not find mounting tool at '%s'
The scan engine was unable to locate the VMware mounting tool. Please make sure that the VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit has been properly installed.
Error Code 816:
Could not read system file at '%s'
The vmx configuration file does not exist for the specified VMware Workstation or VMware Server image.
Error Code 817:
Error parsing system file at '%s'
The scan engine was unable to read the vmx file for the specified VMware Workstation or VMware Server image. Check the vmx file and ensure that it can be read in a text viewer.
Error Code 818:
'%s'. Unable to mount the virtual image. The virtual image is currently powered on.
The scan engine was unable to mount the virtual image because the virtual image was powered on. The scan engine is only capable of scanning images that are offline (powered off).
Error Code 819:
'%s'. Unknown PowerStatus '%d'
The scan engine was unable to determine the current state of the image (powered on, suspended, powered off).
Error Code 820:
%s'. Scanning suspended or paused images is not currently supported.
The scan engine was unable to mount the virtual image because the virtual image was suspended (paused). The scan engine is only capable of scanning images that are offline (powered off).
Error Code 821:
Could not open Objects key in BCD for image at '%s'
The scan engine was unable to access the boot configuration data (BCD) for this image. This error message could indicate that there is a problem with the specified image. Try powering on this image to ensure that it is still valid. This error message applies to Vista images only.
Error Code 822:
Could not enumerate keys in 'BCD\\Objects' for image at '%s'
The scan engine was unable to enumerate information from the boot configuration data (BCD) for this image. This error message could indicate that there is a problem with the specified image. Try powering on this image to ensure that it is still valid. This error message applies to Vista images only.
Error Code 823:
Could find default boot section in the BCD for image at '%s'
The scan engine was unable to enumerate boot information from the boot configuration data (BCD) for this image. This error message applies to Vista images only.
Error Code 824:
Could not open key at 'BCD\\Objects\\%s\\Elements\\22000002' for image at '%s'
The scan engine was unable to open the boot information data from the boot configuration data (BCD) for this image. This error message applies to Vista images only.
Error Code 825:
Could find the Windows root in default boot section of the BCD for image at '%s'
The scan engine was unable to locate the value which stores the location of the windows directory in the boot configuration data (BCD) for this image. This error message applies to Vista images only.
Error Code 826:
Registry mount sentry is NULL!
The scan engine was enable to mount the virtual image's registry. The console may be running low on memory.
Error Code 827:
Hard-drive mount sentry list is NULL or empty!
The scan engine was unable to read the vmx file and/or this file had no hard drives configured for the image.
Error Code 828:
Could not mount registry for image '%s'. This could be caused by running a non supported configuration. Windows 2000 can't mount x64 registries.
The scan engine was unable to mount the registry for the virtual image. This may occur if using a Windows 2000 console and trying to mount x64 images (unsupported).
Error Code 829:


Error: 829 - Accessing disk ID
Error: 829 - Accessing disk ID, Code:16054 – Invalid connection

This error can occur due to a number of different reasons. This is an error that occurs prior to mounting the image - it is not related to mounting the image (like the errors above)


General errors:



Error Code 1001:
IPv6 addresses are not supported.
IPv6 addresses are currently not supported. Ensure that IPv4 is enabled.

Error Code 1300:

Not all privileges or groups referenced are assigned to the caller

The error message is a generic error stating you haven't provided an account with full privileges that may be required to perform some action. See the following document for more information:

Patch Scanning Error 1300 - Not All Privileges Or Groups Referenced Are Assigned To The Caller



Affected Product(s)


Shavlik Protect, All Versions

Scanning A Remote Machine Using Protect Fails With Error 105: MS_UNABLE_TO_GET_SYSTEM_DATA




  • Running a patch scan in Protect  fails with Error 105.
  • This message may also display:



Possible causes:

  • Permissions issue with access denied message.
  • An environmental or network issue.
  • The target Windows machine is not activated.



This is a list of things you should check when seeing patch scan error 105 occur:

  1. From the Protect console, launch Regedit and attempt to connect to the remote registry of the target machine by IP address.
    Note: Protect needs full access to the target machine's registry.
  2. From the Protect console, go to the target machines c$ and browse to c:\windows\system32. Make a copy of the file ntdll.dll and view the Properties. Is anything blocking the access, or hanging the process of looking at this file? Protect may be trying to look at this file while trying to determine the machine info. The ntdll.dll file is checked first, and Protect determines the OS language.
  3. The Server Service on the remote target machine is queried with an API. If this service is not running, or is not communicating in a timely fashion Protect will return a 105 error. If you restart this service you will also need to reboot the machine, but it can help to restart the Server service.
  4. Disabling Antivirus or threat protection software can potentially correct Error 105. If this works you may need to make exceptions in your antivirus. Contact your antivirus vendor for steps on how to do so.
  5. Use an administrator account to run patch scans.
  6. Ensure firewalls are not blocking the connection.
  7. Ensure you are meeting patch scanning requirements as described in Protect documentation. Please see the patch scanning prerequisites.
  8. Other possible tests to determine the issue:
    • Ensure Windows is activated.
    • Scan by FQDN. 
    • Net use to ipc$ on the target system.
    • On the console machine, run these commands:
      sc \\servername query
      sc \\IPaddress query
      Note: If these commands fail, the issue may be network related.


Additional Information

Scan error 105 can often be caused by some of the same environmental issues that will cause scan error 452. It may prove helpful to review this document as well:

Error 452: Unable To Connect To The Remote Machine


Affected Product(s)

Shavlik Protect, All Versions

Patch Deployment returned 2359302 In Deployment Tracker




How to troubleshoot 2359302 errors in the Deployment Tracker, CL5 Log, and the Windows Event Viewer




  • Deployment Tracker in Shavlik Protect displays the Status Failed with a Description of "returned 2359302"


  • c:\windows\propatches\CL5 Log on the target machine shows CommandLine.cpp:1833 CMD_TRACELOG: [Patch Install returned 2359302: Windows6.1-KB2861698-x64.msu]
  • Windows Event Log show:  "Windows update  could not be installed because of error 2359302 "" (Command line: "C:WindowsSystem32WUSA.exe "C:WindowsTEMP739d98c6-b473-4611-9ecc-62da945d89eaWindows6.1-KB2388210-x64.msu" /quiet /norestart ")".  Error 2359302 = WU_S_ALREADY_INSTALLED




2359302 is a Microsoft code that signifies the patch has already been installed.

The 2359302 message is also occasionally returned in error when the Windows Update Service is not working properly  See. Eventvwr shows 2359302 ErrorCode




Reboot the target machine to ensure the previous install attempt did not just need a reboot.


Check the patch Definition Version under the scan summary.  Sometimes a deployment is based on a older scan job that detected the patch as missing.  See How to check Protect Definition Versions for instructions to check Definitions version and to refresh files.  If Patch Assessment version is outdated, refresh files and re-scan to see if the patch is still showing as missing.  If the patch is still listed Under "Patch Missing", follow the troubleshooting steps in the document Protect Detects A Patch That Should Not Be Detected As Missing to determine if the Shavlik detection logic is in error. If the patch definition logic seems to be is in error, follow instructions under the Information to Send to Support section of the same document and open a case with Shavlik Support

If Shavlik Protect is detecting the missing patch correctly and manual installation fails, the Windows Update Service may not be working properly  Refer to the following Microsoft posts:

Eventvwr shows 2359302 ErrorCode and

Unable to install updates in Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2


Additional Information


Microsoft Community Posts addressing code 2359302:

Microsoft Community - Microsoft Windows

You can't install updates in Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, or Windows Server 2008 R2


Affected Product(s)


Protect 9.X

Shavlik Protect Console Service Error after Microsoft Windows Server Updates - April 2015


We are receiving the following error message after April 2015 Microsoft Windows Server Updates have been successfully applied.


Shavlik Protect Standard 9.0 Build: 1316 (Patch 3)

Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Standard (x64) SP2

Shavlik ProtectCloud webpage stuck at Processing and Loading


Multiple browsers, computers, etc.  Any thoughts?  I am mainly talking about the Registered Consoles and Agent Keys tabs...

Wrong MSRT deployed


Looks like with definition Protect is scanning for malicious software tool version 5.23 (current) but deploying version 5.22.  Refresh files did not fix this.  I downloaded the 5.23 files from Microsoft and named them xxx5.22 and that seems to have worked.

After new patches released, having detection issues - any one else?


Using my machine as an example, there were 0 patches missing prior to the new MS patches being released yesterday. After a scan and patch twice over today, 4 patches are now showing as "Missing" per Shavlik even after installing all the new patches. The problem here is that these 4 patches are already installed, and are from 2012 and 2014 that mysteriously now show as missing.


If you try to install them manually, Windows shows that the patches are already installed. If you run an MS Update, it also shows that the patches are installed. I have rebooted 3 times. Why does Shavlik think these patches are missing now?


The patches detected as missing are:


1. MS15-031 - KB3046049

2. MS14-074 - KB3003743

3. MS14-068 - KB3011780

4. MS12-006 - KB2585542

Error 1722. There Is A Problem With This Windows Installer Package. A Program Run As Part Of The Setup Did Not Finish As Expected




Protect 9.1 Patch 3 upgrade fails with the following error:

Product: Shavlik Protect -- Error 1722. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. Action SetupDatabaseAction, location: C:\Program Files\LANDesk\Shavlik Protect\ST.DatabaseConfiguration.exe, command: -quiet -upgrade -consoleId 355702d6-33f5-4ca7-9853-202534b4bcd8 -timeout 30

The ST.DatabaseConfiguration.log located in the %temp% directory contains the following line:

2015-04-16T12:23:25.2319578Z 0004 E DatabaseState.cs:77|System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Database state cannot be changed while other users are using the database 'Protect'




The Protect database has existing connections from other users.  This frequently occurs when other Shavlik Protect Consoles share the same database.




Stop the Protect Console Service on all Protect Consoles sharing the database and upgrade each console while each has a sole connection to the database.


Additional Information


Error 1722 has also been returned in Protect 9.0 upgrades under the following situations:

  • Shavlik Protect is using a mirrored database
  • Upgrade being performed using an account that does not have the sysadmin role or is not the account that originally created the database


Troubleshooting and resolution for the above scenarios are contained in the Shavlik document Protect 9.0 with Patch 1 full product installation or Patch 1 install failing with "Error 1722"


Affected Product(s)


Protect 9.X


Scanning A Remote Machine With Protect Fails With Error 235: System Not Found, Or NetBIOS Ports May Be irewalled




  • Scan attempt against a remote machine using Protect fails with the following error.

Error 235: System not found, or NetBIOS ports may be firewalled



This issue occurs if a machine with the specified IP address does not exist. If a machine does exist at this address, a personal firewall or port filtering device may be dropping packets destined for TCP ports 139 and 445.



To resolve this issue:

  1. Ensure that a machine actually exists at the specified name or IP address. To verify this, use a command prompt to ping the machine.
  2. Ensure that you can remotely connect to the target system(s) over ports 139 and/or 445. To verify this, you can use the telnet command or any other method.

    For example, you can use a telnet command similar to:

    telnetmymachine 139

    Note: The telnet client may not be installed by default on newer Windows operating systems. You may need to add it through Windows features to use the telnet command.
  3. Ensure that there is no DNS resolution issue. To verify this, open a command prompt on the Protect console machine and perform a forward and reverse nslookup of the target system.

    For example:

    nslookup machinename

    The results should match.

    If the machine cannot be properly resolved, contact your network administrator.

Affected Product(s)


Shavlik Protect 9.x

Scan Error 5, 451 or 452 When Scanning A Machine Located In A Workgroup



This document will walk you through on configuring your machine so that it can be scanned while it is part of a workgroup and not in a domain.



Although you have the correct credentials, Protect fails to scan a machine that is not part of a domain. Errors include 451 The specified user account requires administrative rights to the target machine. or 452  Unable to connect to the remote machine or 5: Access is Denied.




For machines using Windows operating systems that employ the use of User Account Control (this includes Windows Vista or later and Windows Server 2008 or later), you must either:

Join the machines to a domain and then perform the scan using domain administrator credentials, or

Disable User Account Control (UAC) remote restrictions on the machines.

To do this:

1. Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then press Enter.

2. Locate and then click the following registry subkey:


3. If the LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy registry entry does not exist, follow these steps:

     a. On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.

     b. Type LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy and then press Enter.

4. Right-click LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy and then click OK.

5. In the Value data box, type 1, and then click OK.

6. Exit Registry Editor.


For more details on disabling UAC remote restrictions, see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/951016

XML / MS12-001


After refreshing to XML and running a patch scan, our PCs are showing Bulletin MS12-001 / KB2644615 as missing.  I believe that patch was superseded by MS13-063 / KB2859537, which was subsequently superseded by MS13-077 / KB2872339.  Any idea why this patch is being detected as missing now?


Custom patch is not available to add to patch group


I am trying to create a custom patch to apply a MS hotfix to my 2012 servers (Windows8.1-KB3000988-x64.msu). I have looked at the documents online, and followed them to create the custom action and custom patch, but have been unable to test it because it is not showing up as available to select in my patch group. Any suggestions? I am running Protect v9.1 Build 4511.

Agent Policy Walk Through - Patch Tab




The purpose of this document is to walk through the agent Patch tab, in order to understand and utilize these functions and features of agents.



Patch Tab:

Patch tab.PNG

Add a Patch Task

  • Creates a new patch task

*Note: You can add multiple patch tasks to an agent policy, each will have scan and deploy options as well as schedule options.

Patch Task Options (drop down)

  • Scan and deploy options
  • Schedule


Scan and Deploy Options

  • Patch scan Template
    • Select or create the patch scan template that will be used to scan your machines.
  • Patch Deployment
    • Deployment Template
      • Select or create the Deployment Template you want your agent machines to use.
    • Deploy patches (which needs to be checked in order to configure the deployment template)
      • You can choose to deploy all patches detected as missing.
      • Or you can select or create a Patch Group to control what patches are deployed.
    • Deploy Service Packs - An option not included in the agentless scan/deploy, allows you to automatically deploy Service Packs.
      • You can choose to deploy all SPs detected as missing.
      • Or you can select or create a Service Pack group to control what Service Packs are deployed.
        • You can also limit SP deployments per day. Since each Service Pack deployment requires a reboot you may want to limit deployment to only a few a day.


  • Hourly
      • Run Every - 1 to 100 hours
    • Starting time
      • Enter desired time to have the schedule run.
  • Daily
      • Enter desired time to have the schedule run.
    • Days
      • Select the days of the week in which you would like the schedule to run.
    • Once Per Month
      • Day - Select the numerical date in which to have the schedule run.
      • The - Here you can select the first, second, third, ect. day of any day of the week. Meaning if you select the third Monday, the schedule will run every third Monday of the month. 
  • Randomize schedule time (minutes)
    • Select how many minutes the schedule is randomized, up to 120 minutes.
  • Run on boot if schedule is missed.
    • Use this setting if you would like your machines to run the task on boot if the schedule was missed.
      • You can also delay the schedule after boot by minutes, up to 120 minutes.


Affected Product(s)


Shavlik Protect 9.x

Off the Domain But on the Network


Hi - we have about 80 pc's that need to be patched but are not on the domain (but are on the network). Would need to fight through firewalls, ports etc to talk. Is this something that the Shavlik agent would be able to handle? Any direction or links to white papers would be appreciated.

Agent Policy Walk Through - General Settings Tab



The purpose of this document is to walk through the agent General Settings tab in order to understand and utilize these functions and features of agents.


General Settings Tab:


Allow the user to

  • See an icon in the notification area
    • This setting allows the end user to see an icon in the system tray. If unchecked you will not have the ability to perform any actions on the agent.
  • Preform manual operations
    • This setting allows the end user to manual initiate actions using the Agent interface. Actions like initiating a Patch Task, Asset scan, Threat Scan or Power actions.
  • Cancel operations
    • This setting allows the end user to stop actions initiated either manually or by schedule.
  • Manage quarantine
    • This setting allows the end user to manage quarantined items.
  • Temporarily disable Active Protection
    • Allows the end user to suspend Active Protection for a specific amount of time from the Agent interface.
  • Disable Active Protection
    • Allows the end user to disable Active Protection altogether.
  • Turn off notifications when Active Protection blocks known risks
    • Allows the end user to "Disable notifications" within the Agent Interface.




  • Logging Level:
    • Basic - Logs just the minimum information.
    • All - Logs all possible information.
  • Maximum log size:
    • By default this setting is set to 5MB and is configurable up to 50MB.

Check-in Interval: This setting indicates how often an agent machine will check-in

  • Minutes - Select an interval between 10 and 600 to control how often an agent machine will check-in.
  • Days - Optionally you can opt to have your agent check-in only once a day at a specified time.
    • Distribute check-ins over (minutes): Use this setting to send check-ins over a span of time instead of all at one time.


Engine, data, and patch download location

  • Vendor over Internet - Forces agents to get all XML information and patches from the vendor over the internet.
  • Distribution Server - Forces agents to get all XML information and patches from a previously configured Distribution Server.
    • By Agent IP range - You can choose to have your distribution servers setup via IP range and force the agent to use a Distribution Server based on the IP address of the agent machine.
    • Use Vendor Backup - When set to get information from Distribution Servers you can set this setting to allow the agent to obtain XML information and patches from the internet if they are not available on the Distribution Server.


  • Sync with the Protect Cloud - Check this if you would like to have your agents sync with the Protect Cloud in the event they are not located on the local network. Does require additional configuration.
  • Agent listens for update on port - Configurable option to change the port number the agent listens and receives updates on.
  • Internet proxy credentials - If your environment uses a proxy here you can specify your proxy credentials.

Affected Product(s)

Shavlik Protect 9.x

How To Schedule Automatic Definition Downloads




The purpose of this document is to provide the necessary steps to schedule automatic definition downloads.




1. From within the Console select the Tools menu followed by the Operations option.


2. Within the Operations window, navigate to the Schedule Automatic Downloads option. You may select to schedule automatic downloads for Core engines/definitions and/or Threat engines/definitions. Once you have selected the definitions you wish to update click the 'Add' button.


Note: You may setup both Core engines/definitions and Threat engines/definitions, however they must be done in two separate actions.


3. The scheduler window will now allow you to select the download days and times. When finished. Click 'Save'.


Note: Shavlik releases new XML data every Tuesday and Thursdays.


4. The scheduled download will now appear within the Schedule Automatic Downloads portion of the Operations menu.



5. This process is now complete. You may alter the days and times by highlighting the scheduled task and selecting the 'Edit' button.


Affected Product(s)


Shavlik Protect 9.x

New user cannot connect to Protect DB


I am a new user in an existing installation of Shavlik Protect. Whenever I attempt to open Protect, it tells me the the following error: "Unable to connect to SQL Server '(local)\SQLEXPRESS'. Cannot open database "Protect" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user1.


Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have been going around and around on this for a few days and getting nowhere.

Cannot Browse Network After Patching




After patching to the latest release of Shavlik Protect I get the following error message when I try to browse the network to add pc's to specific groups. "The list of servers for this workgroup is not currently available."


I have already confirmed that the "computer browser" service is started and it is set to automatic.


Any ideas?



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