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Database Backup Failed in Protect with "Generic data access layer exception."




Backups setup in the Database Maintenance feature of Protect are not completing.


In the Shavlik event history (View > Event history), users will see the following error message:


Error message event vieweredit.PNG


"Generic access data layer exception. SQL exception message: Cannot open backup device "C:\..." Operating System Error 5 (Access is denied.)."


This error should also be found in similar wording in the ST.ServiceHost.managed.log file on the console.


2015-01-05T06:00:04.4727735Z 0019 E BackupDatabaseTask.cs:155|Generic data access layer exception. SQL exception message: Cannot open backup device 'C:\...'. Operating system error 5(Access is denied.).

BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

Cannot open backup device 'C:\...'. Operating system error 2(The system cannot find the file specified.).

VERIFY DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

SqlError message: 'Cannot open backup device 'C:\.... Operating system error 5(Access is denied.).', source: '.Net SqlClient Data Provider', server: '(local)\SQLEXPRESS', number: 3201, state: 1, procedure: 'BackupDatabase', line number: 19.

SqlError message: 'BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.', source: '.Net SqlClient Data Provider', server: '(local)\SQLEXPRESS', number: 3013, state: 1, procedure: 'BackupDatabase', line number: 19.

SqlError message: 'Cannot open backup device 'C:\...'. Operating system error 2(The system cannot find the file specified.).', source: '.Net SqlClient Data Provider', server: '(local)\SQLEXPRESS', number: 3201, state: 2, procedure: 'BackupDatabase', line number: 46.

SqlError message: 'VERIFY DATABASE is terminating abnormally.', source: '.Net SqlClient Data Provider', server: '(local)\SQLEXPRESS', number: 3013, state: 1, procedure: 'BackupDatabase', line number: 46.

  at ST.Data.Services.Maintenance.DbMaintenance.EndInternal(IAsyncResult asyncResult)

  at ST.Services.Administration.Maintenance.BackupDatabaseTask.BackupComplete(IAsyncResult asyncResult)





There are insufficient file permissions on the backup directory on the Shavlik console machine. The operation while committed through the application is performed by the SQL server itself. If the account the SQL service is running under does not have sufficient file privileges to read and write in the database backup directory, the backup operation will fail.





The Shavlik Protect help documentation notes of the file permission requirements for this backup operation specifically under the section Backup database and transaction log:

"If you specify a UNC path to a location on SQL Server, your SQL Server account must have access to the path. If a built-in account is being used (such as Local System or Network Service) then the machine account needs access to the path."


To resolve this issue, you must ensure that the directory of the backup has sufficient privileges to perform the backup operation. The following step-by-step directions will help show how this can be done.


1. Determine the account the SQL service runs under.


To determine the account the SQL service runs under perform the following on the machine that host the database :

Click Start > Run and type services.msc and hit Enter.

Locate the SQL Server service and Right-click on it and select Properties.

Select the Log On tab, and next to "This account" there should be an account listed- this is the account the SQL service uses and which needs rights over the file directory of the backups.

SQL account.PNG

In this case this account is "NT Service\MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS"

For the next step- copy and paste that account.


2. Provide this account with Read/Write permissions on the specified database backup directory in Protect.


To obtain/specify the file path of the database backup in Protect, go to Tools > Operations > Database maintenance. You can specify the directory under SQL server, specifically under the check-box, "Backup database and transaction log" below "UNC or local path" as shown below.




To provide the SQL account the proper permissions to this directory, navigate to the path in the file explorer.

Right click the folder, in this example it is "C:\dbbackup", and click Properties

Select the Security tab, and click the button "Edit..." to modify the permissions

Click "Add..." to provide file permissions for the SQL service account.

In the Select Users or Groups window, copy and paste the account- in this example "NT Service\MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS" and click OK.

Ensure that the account has both Read and Write permissions, as follows:



After completing these steps, reattempting to perform the backup using Protect should complete successfully. To confirm, return to the event history and you should see a status of Success on the backup task.





Additional Information


SQL Database Maintenance Recommendations for Protect

How to create a backup of the database with Protect



Affected Product(s)


Shavlik Protect 9.x

IP Addresses For Shavlik XML servers (xml.shavlik.com)




This document provides the list of IP addresses for xml.shavlik.com.



In case you need to make an exception for the specific addresses to Shavlik XML servers for updating your data files or patch definitions these are the current primary and backup IP addresses for xml.shavlik.com:


Affected Product(s)


Shavlik Protect, All Versions

Shavlik Patch for Microsoft System Center (Plugin)

Scanning A Remote Machine Using Protect Fails With Error 105: MS_UNABLE_TO_GET_SYSTEM_DATA




  • Running a patch scan in Protect  fails with Error 105.
  • This message may also display:




Possible causes:

  • Permissions issue with access denied message.
  • An environmental or network issue.
  • The target Windows machine is not activated.



This is a list of things you should check when seeing patch scan error 105 occur:

  1. From the Protect console, launch Regedit and attempt to connect to the remote registry of the target machine by IP address.
    Note: Protect needs full access to the target machine's registry.
  2. From the Protect console, go to the target machines c$ and browse to c:\windows\system32. Make a copy of the file ntdll.dll and view the Properties. Is anything blocking the access, or hanging the process of looking at this file? Protect may be trying to look at this file while trying to determine the machine info. The ntdll.dll file is checked first, and Protect determines the OS language.
  3. The Server Service on the remote target machine is queried with an API. If this service is not running, or is not communicating in a timely fashion Protect will return a 105 error. If you restart this service you will also need to reboot the machine, but it can help to restart the Server service.
  4. Disabling Antivirus or threat protection software can potentially correct Error 105. If this works you may need to make exceptions in your antivirus. Contact your antivirus vendor for steps on how to do so.
  5. Use an administrator account to run patch scans.
  6. Ensure firewalls are not blocking the connection.
  7. Ensure you are meeting patch scanning requirements as described in Protect documentation. Please see the patch scanning prerequisites.
  8. Other possible tests to determine the issue:
    • Scan by FQDN. 
    • Net use to ipc$ on the target system.
    • On the console machine, run these commands:

          sc \\servername query

          sc \\IPaddress query

Note: If these commands fail, the issue may be network related.

  • Ensure Windows is activated.

Additional Information

Scan error 105 can often be caused by some of the same environmental issues that will cause scan error 452. It may prove helpful to review this document as well:http://community.shavlik.com/docs/DOC-2218.


Affected Product(s)

Shavlik Protect 9.x

vCenter Protect 8.x

Gathering a DPD Trace



This document outlines how to run a DPDTrace. This may be necessary when troubleshooting detection issues.




DPD stands for Dynamic Product Detection.  It’s the method our scan engine uses to determine what supported products are installed on the machine.This tool was created for troubleshooting patch scan issues where we need to know what is going on during the DPD process.


.Net Framework v4.0.30319 or newer needs to be installed for this to work



  1. Download DPDTrace.zip and extract the file into a folder on the root of C:\
  2. Read Disclaimer.txt.
  3. Open Command Prompt and change directory to C:\DPDTrace


cd directory.png


  1. Enter the following command, replacing {MACHINE_NAME} {ADMIN_USER_NAME} {PASSWORD} and {PATCHTYPE} with corresponding values. ({MACHINE_NAME} has to be the Target machine that is having the detection problem




  • Failure to supply any one of these values ({MACHINE_NAME}  {ADMIN_USER_NAME} and {PASSWORD}) will cause the test to fail.


  • {ADMIN_USER_NAME} needs to be in the format domain\username


  • {PATCHTYPE} has the following possible values:
    • 1  - Security patches
    • 4  - Security tools
    • 8  - Non-Security patches
    • 9  - Security and non-security patches
    • 13 - Security, non-security and tools

Unless explicitly asked to use a different variable here, use 13 to include all patch types.


Example of the command:




  • If you want to use a specific hf7b.xml, just copy it into the Extracted folder\HF7B.
    • If you are in an offline environment, you must download the HF7b file directly and place it in the Extracted folder\HF7Bfolder
    • Link to latest HF7b File  http://xml.shavlik.com/data/hf7b.xml (Right Click on link and choose Save Target As)


  • If you need to scan with a older scan engine, you may do so. Please add the VERSION number to the end. If no version is specified, it will use the 9.0.651 scan engine. Possible values:
    • 7.8.5
    • 8.0.43
    • 9.0.651





5.      When the command line is run, a window titled 'Rename HF.1 Log' will appear with an OK button. Do not close this window as the scan continues.


rename prompt.png



6.    When the scan has completed the command prompt window will say 'Test Complete  Please zip up HFCLi folder and send it back to us'. Please verify that an XML document has been created in the HFCLI folder. If it has, please zip up the directory "C:\DPDTrace\HFCLI" and send it back for analysis.



How To: Manually updating patch data files for Shavlik Protect



When running the Shavlik Protect in a secure environment without Internet access, it is necessary to download the latest data files on a system that has internet access and then transfer them to the console machine.


This article applies only to patch data.




This article discusses both methods:


  • PowerShell (Highly Recommended)
  • Individual file download (All Files Are Required)


  Running the script on a Windows 7 SP1 system with the natively installed PowerShell does not work with the execution policy set to "RemoteSigned". You will still receive an error that the script is not digitally signed. The script will only run if the execution policy is set to "unrestricted"

To use the PowerShell script:

  • Download and install PowerShell 1.0 from Microsoft, if it is not already installed. For more information, see Microsoft KB article 926140.
  • Shavlik NetChk Protect and VMware vCenter Protect patch files are released twice per week. To download the patch files, you can use a PowerShell script to automate the process or you can download each file individually.
  • If you need a compression utility, download and install the 7-Zip extraction utility from http://www.7-zip.org/download.html.

          Shavlik does not endorse or recommend any particular third_party utility.


  • Create an output directory.
  • Download and extract the PowerShell script attached to this article: DownloadProtectData90.zip


  This script works for all versions of these products.


  • Open a command prompt.
  • Enter PowerShell by typing powershell.
  • Navigate to the location where you extracted the PowerShell script.
  • At the PowerShell command prompt, launch the script with this command:

    .\DownloadProtectData90.ps1 "<outputdirectory>" <major or minor version> "<7-zip directory>"

      The command begins with the characters . before the script name. These characters are required if the script is in the current working directory. If you are in a different directory, enter the full path to the script.

    The major/minor version argument has a two-digit value. Use the value corresponding to your version:


  • Protect 9.0: 90
  • Protect 9.1: 91


The command you run looks like this: .DownloadProtectData90.ps1 "C:\Data" 90 "C\:program Files\7-Zip"

The command has these elements:

    • .\DownloadProtectData.ps1: This is the script itself.
    • c:\Data: This is the folder to which you are downloading the data files.
    • 90: This is the version of vCenter Protect or Shavlik Protect files you are downloading.
  1. Type exit to leave PowerShell.
  2. Navigate to the folder containing the data files and move or copy them to the DataFiles folder on the Shavlik Protect or vCenter Protect server in the DMZ. This is the default location:

      If the files already exist in the output directory, they are overwritten.
    • 8.x on Vista, 2008, & Windows 7: C:ProgramData\Shavlik Technologies\NetChk\DataFiles
    • 8.x on Windows XP or 2003: C:Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Shavlik Technologies\NetChk\DataFiles
    • 9.x on Vista, 2008, & Windows 7: C:\ProgramData\LANDesk\Shavlik Protect\Console\DataFiles
    • 9.x on Windows XP or 2003: C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication Data\LANDesk\Shavlik Protect\Console\DataFiles
    1. You may see this error:

      execution of scripts is disabled on this system

      If this occurs, enable the execution of scripts by entering this command:

      set-executionpolicy RemoteSigned

        This command is case-sensitive.

      Alternatively, you can sign the script instead of changing the execution policy. For more information, see http://www.hanselman.com/blog/SigningPowerShellScripts.aspx  The preceding link was correct and last checked as of June 11, 2013.

    Individual file download

    You can manually download the necessary data files. To download the files:

    1. Right-click each link and select Save Link As.
    2. Save the files to the console, in the DataFiles folder. This is the default location:
      • 8.x on Vista, 2008, & Windows 7: C:ProgramData\Shavlik Technologies\NetChk\DataFiles
      • 8.x on Windows XP or 2003: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Shavlik Technologies\NetChk\DataFiles
      • 9.x on Vista, 2008, & Windows 7: C:\ProgramData\LANDesk\Shavlik Protect\Console\DataFiles
      • 9.x on Windows XP or 2003: C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication Data\LANDesk\Shavlik Protect\Console\DataFiles


      The Protect console requires both the .CAB and the files archived within the .CAB files for Protect to function correctly. The PowerShell script downloads the .CAB files, places the files in the output directory, and extract the files to the output directory. You need to manually extract the .CAB files using an archiving tool like 7-Zip if you choose to manually download the .CAB files.


    Update files for Shavlik Protect 9.0:







































    Update files for Shavlik Protect 9.1.4334:









































    Update files for Shavlik Protect 9.1.4472:










































    Additional Information


    Shavlik Protect and VMware vCenter Protect consoles that have no internet connectivity, but that still try to download updates automatically can experience other issues. Shavlik recommends setting consoles with no internet connectivity to Disconnected Mode. To enable Disconnected Mode from the console application:


    Version 8.x: Go to Tools and select Run Disconnected.

    Version 9.x: Go to Tools and deselect Auto-Update Definitions.

    Document Content Update History

    11/1/2011 - Updated article for VMware vCenter Protect 8.0.x 

    07/16/2013 - Updated article for Shavlik Protect 9.0.x

    05/21/2014 - Updated article for Shavlik Protect 9.1.x




    Shavlik Protect 9.x

    How To Completely Remove An Agent And All of Its Components





    This article provides steps to completely remove all components of the Protect agent from a client system and then perform a clean reinstallation of the agent.


    Note: This article is only applicable to full removal of the 8.x & 9.x versions of the agent.


    Caution: Do not perform these steps on your vCenter Protect console machine.




    To uninstall and then reinstall the vCenter Protect agent:


    1. Uninstall the VMware vCenter Protect agent/ Shavlik Protect Agent and its components from Add/Remove Programs or Programs & Features in the Windows Control Panel.
    2. Delete the ProgramData/App Data folders:
      • Version 9.x
        • Vista & Newer –C:\ProgramData\LANDesk\Shavlik Technologies
        • XP/2003 –C:\Documents & Settings\All Users\Application Data\LANDesk\Shavlik Technologies
      • Version 8.x
        • Vista & Newer –C:\ProgramData\Shavlik Technologies
        • WinXP/2003 –C:\Documents & Settings\All Users\Application Data\Shavlik Technologies
    3. Delete theProgram Files folders:
      • Version 9.x -C:\Program Files\LANDesk\Shavlik Protect Agent
      • Version 8.x- C:\Program Files\VMware\vCenter Protect Agent

    Note: For 64bit machines, ensure to add(x86)to the path.


    1. Delete the relevant certificates.
      To delete certificates:
      1. ClickStart>Run, type mmc, and clickOK. The MMC Snap In window opens.
      2. ClickFile>Add/Remove Snap-In.
      3. Under Available Snap Ins, selectCertificates.
      4. ClickAdd.
      5. Select theComputer Accountoption and clickNext.
      6. Ensure that theLocal Computeroption is selected and then clickFinish.
      7. Close the Add or Remove Snap Ins window.   
        You should now see Certificates listed under Console Root.
      8. Expand Certificates.
      9. Delete these certificates that are listed as being issued by ST Root Authority:
        • Personal\Certificates
        • Trusted Root Certification Authorities\Certificates
        • Intermediate Certification Authorities\Certificates
      10. Close the window.
    2. Verify that the agent machine keys are removed.
        Note: The machine keys are located at:
      Windows 2008, 2008 R2, Vista, and 7 –C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys
      Windows 2003, 2003 R2, and XP –C:\Documents & Settings\All Users\Application Data\ Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys
      1. You can open these files using a text editor, such as notepad, and then use CTRL+F to search for the wordsconsole      andagent      in each of these files.
      2. If any of the files have the wordconsole      oragentin plain text, delete the file. Do not delete any files that do not contain these words in plain text.
            IMPORTANT:Do not delete any certificates or files in theCrypto\RSA\MachineKeysfolder that you are not sure about. If you have any questions, contact Shavlik Support.


    NOTE: It is highly recommended to perform a backup of the registry before performing any modifications.

    How to back up Windows Registry: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-vista/Back-up-the-registry

    1. Open regedit and navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\UpgradeCodes\

            Delete or rename the key that contains any of the GUIDS below:

            Make sure to use the corresponding GUID for the version of Protect you are attempting to uninstall.

    • Protect 7.0.832.0: {C6D1AE7C-DE93-4E93-A916-C4144525C82C}
    • Protect 7.0.841.0: {C6D1AE7C-DE93-4E93-A916-C4144525C82C}
    • Protect 7.1.410.0: {90047C28-0B1B-4B30-8177-50729907EBF2}
    • Protect {9B7F1E45-4C47-4E25-9EAB-098923E4171C}
    • Protect 7.5.2716.0: {CEA2D643-08C0-422E-9B27-B58ED9D38D07}
    • Protect 7.6.1482.0: {661A3308-5BE2-4E0F-A752-BDDB247DD2DB}
    • Protect 7.8.1340.0: {0A4D8D5E-7177-4A45-8A7F-0A5757403F97}
    • Protect 7.8.1388.0: {0A4D8D5E-7177-4A45-8A7F-0A5757403F97}
    • Protect 7.8.1392.0: {0A4D8D5E-7177-4A45-8A7F-0A5757403F97}
    • Protect 8.0.3756.0: {F77AFB04-D13F-48DA-BB99-A5B31B6AAE0B}
    • Protect 8.0.3965.1: {5A696B05-9F06-4B3D-83A0-69E848EFAC4A}
    • Protect 9.0.1106:    {FD2F9A1228457E545BD699619B461852}
    • Protect 9.0.1182:    {FD2F9A1228457E545BD699619B461852}
    • Protect 9.1.4334:    {FD2F9A1228457E545BD699619B461852}
    • Protect 9.1.4472:    {FD2F9A1228457E545BD699619B461852}


    1. Reboot the machine.
    2. (Optional) Install the agent either from the Protect console or using the manual installer package.


    Affected Product(s)


    Shavlik Protect 9.x

    Unexpected error occurs when I scan an Asset.


    Looking at the log file I see the following lines :-


    2015-01-08T13:34:54.2476329Z 0001 I TaskbarNotification.cs:175|1 new scan result(s) are available.

    2015-01-08T13:38:34.0813855Z 0001 I WorkItemController.cs:352|Started

    2015-01-08T13:38:34.4251443Z 0003 V WorkItemController.cs:362|Processing work items

    2015-01-08T13:38:34.4251443Z 0003 I WorkItemController.cs:368|Download manifest starting

    2015-01-08T13:38:35.6439255Z 0016 V FileSetDownload.cs:366|Attempt to acquire mutex 'Global\VersionsFileSet{FA4000E8-E831-4752-9F9B-7F49B46CBE09}'.

    2015-01-08T13:38:35.6439255Z 0016 V FileSetDownload.cs:377|Acquired mutex 'Global\VersionsFileSet{FA4000E8-E831-4752-9F9B-7F49B46CBE09}'.

    2015-01-08T13:38:35.6439255Z 0016 V FileSetDownload.cs:493|Started 'Global\VersionsFileSet{FA4000E8-E831-4752-9F9B-7F49B46CBE09}'.

    2015-01-08T13:38:35.6439255Z 0016 V SingleFileDownload.cs:506|Downloading from 'http://xml.shavlik.com/data/Protect/v9/91/manifest/protect.manifest.cab' to 'protect.manifest.xml (C:\Users\a-deyes\AppData\Local\Temp\1\36db1537-c736-466a-9e63-4292e2af9084st.tmp)'.

    2015-01-08T13:38:35.6908017Z 0016 V FileSetDownload.cs:388|Waiting on downloads to complete, mutex 'Global\VersionsFileSet{FA4000E8-E831-4752-9F9B-7F49B46CBE09}'.

    2015-01-08T13:38:37.0814623Z 0019 V DownloadablePackage.cs:149|Extracted 1 files from 'C:\ProgramData\LANDESK\Shavlik Protect\Console\DataFiles\protect.manifest.cab'.

    2015-01-08T13:38:37.0970877Z 0019 V SingleFileDownload.cs:649|Downloaded package 'C:\ProgramData\LANDESK\Shavlik Protect\Console\DataFiles\protect.manifest.cab', status: DownloadingFile.

    2015-01-08T13:38:37.0970877Z 0016 V FileSetDownload.cs:397|Released mutex 'Global\VersionsFileSet{FA4000E8-E831-4752-9F9B-7F49B46CBE09}'.

    2015-01-08T13:38:37.0970877Z 0019 V FileSetDownload.cs:487|Completed 'Global\VersionsFileSet{FA4000E8-E831-4752-9F9B-7F49B46CBE09}'.

    2015-01-08T13:38:37.1127131Z 0003 I WorkItemController.cs:383|Download manifest ended with status: 'Completed'

    2015-01-08T13:38:37.1127131Z 0003 I WorkItemController.cs:368|Download patch definitions starting

    2015-01-08T13:38:40.1440407Z 0020 V FileSetDownload.cs:366|Attempt to acquire mutex 'Global\StandardFileSet{FEDAE04D-2862-414d-A356-DE04A7569885}'.

    2015-01-08T13:38:40.1440407Z 0020 V FileSetDownload.cs:377|Acquired mutex 'Global\StandardFileSet{FEDAE04D-2862-414d-A356-DE04A7569885}'.

    2015-01-08T13:38:40.1440407Z 0020 V FileSetDownload.cs:493|Started 'Global\StandardFileSet{FEDAE04D-2862-414d-A356-DE04A7569885}'.

    2015-01-08T13:38:40.1440407Z 0020 V SingleFileDownload.cs:506|Downloading from 'http://xml.shavlik.com/data/hf7b.cab' to 'hf7b.xml (C:\Users\a-deyes\AppData\Local\Temp\1\00b9abd3-59e3-4f57-8d4e-67f3a75d0df7st.tmp)'.

    2015-01-08T13:38:40.1596661Z 0020 V SingleFileDownload.cs:506|Downloading from 'http://xml.shavlik.com/data/pd5.cab' to 'pd5.xml (C:\Users\a-deyes\AppData\Local\Temp\1\db95d680-c121-405c-b14b-756beb78554est.tmp)'.

    2015-01-08T13:38:40.1596661Z 0020 V SingleFileDownload.cs:506|Downloading from 'http://xml.shavlik.com/data/scriptcatalog.zip' to 'scriptcatalog.zip (C:\Users\a-deyes\AppData\Local\Temp\1\23f0b477-fa42-4e38-b5db-5afbc5c4316bst.tmp)'.

    2015-01-08T13:38:40.1596661Z 0020 V FileSetDownload.cs:388|Waiting on downloads to complete, mutex 'Global\StandardFileSet{FEDAE04D-2862-414d-A356-DE04A7569885}'.

    2015-01-08T13:38:43.4878763Z 0019 C Launcher.cs:73|System.IO.FileFormatException: File contains corrupted data.

       at MS.Internal.IO.Zip.ZipIOEndOfCentralDirectoryBlock.FindPosition(Stream archiveStream)

       at MS.Internal.IO.Zip.ZipIOBlockManager.LoadEndOfCentralDirectoryBlock()

       at MS.Internal.IO.Zip.ZipArchive.OpenOnFile(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Boolean streaming)

       at System.IO.Packaging.ZipPackage..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Boolean streaming)

       at System.IO.Packaging.Package.Open(String path, FileMode packageMode, FileAccess packageAccess, FileShare packageShare, Boolean streaming)

       at ST.Engines.Catalog.VersionedContainerAccessor.Create(String path)

       at ST.Engines.Catalog.FileIntegrityCheck.VersionedContainerSignatureByST(String filePath)

       at ST.Engines.Catalog.SingleFileDownload.CheckSignature()

       at ST.Engines.Catalog.SingleFileDownload.HandleCompletedFile(Object sender, AsyncCompletedEventArgs eventArgs)

       at ST.Engines.Catalog.SingleFileDownload.ClientDownloadFileCompleted(Object sender, AsyncCompletedEventArgs e)

       at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)

       at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)

       at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem()

       at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()


    Looks like there is a file corrupted - can anyone advise how to resolve this please



    1603 error installing ShavlikProtectPatch_9.0.1304


    Help ! I'm getting a 1603 error when trying to install ShavlikProtectPatch_9.0.1304 ( Patch 2 for Protect 9.0 ) on a Windows 7 PC. This instance of Protect has been working fine for months, and still is apart, from not installing Patch 2


    Have tried the following....

    1. Run as local administrator

    2. Rebooted PC

    3. Stopped and restarted Shavlik Protect

    4. Updated Protect to Patch Assessment level


    Any ideas anyone ? 1603 is quite a generic error, for which there are a number of causes.



    You are trying to install a program into an encrypted folder.

    Definitely not


    You are trying to install a program to a folder on a drive letter that is actually a substitute drive.

    No, it's the C: drive


    The SYSTEM account needs Full Control permission to the destination folder, and does not have that.

    already has Full Control


    A previous install or uninstall has not completed, or failed.

    Not aware of anything, but PC has been rebooted, so this should have cleared any possibility of this.


    The registry contains dead/bad links



    I've attached the ProtectUpdate and ProtectPatch logs.


    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Are there Shavlik protect powershell cmdlets?


    Hi just wondering is there a shavlik protect powershell snapin or module?  So I can automate my monthly patching setup using powershell? 

    Correcting Issues caused by out of date root certificates



    This will help you identify agent issues caused by out of date root certificates.


    • Cannot install or update agent binaries in Shavlik Protect
    • Installing or updating Protect agent binaries fails
    • The agent interface installs, but the the scanning engines, such as patch, threat, and asset engines, are missing


    The STAgentUpdater.log file returns entries similar to:


    2012-02-20T16:03:43.9185682Z 0790 W SingleFileDownload.cpp:340 Signature check failed - C:\ProgramData\Shavlik Technologies\Agent Data\protect.manifest.cab


    2012-02-20T16:03:43.9653700Z 0790 E STAgentUpdater.cpp:629 Update failed with error: class STCore::CInvalidOperationException at XmlDomManagement.cpp:356: Error loading XML document from 'C:\ProgramData\Shavlik Technologies\Agent Data\Protect.manifest.xml': The system cannot locate the object specified.


    <somepatch>.msi failed signature check



    The root certificates on the target agent machine are expired or out of date.



    To resolve this issue the root certificates of the client (agent) machine must be updated. You can apply the updates using Protect.


    To Apply the Updates:


    1. Create a custom patch scan template that includes the patch type filter Security Tools.
    2. Run a scan on the target machine and then look for the bulletins MSRC-001 or MSRC-002.


    Related Document: How to Find/Exclude Specific Patches in Scan Results.


    MSRC-001 is for Windows XP and 2003. For newer operating systems, such as Vista, 2008, and Windows 7, the root certificates are automatically updated if the machine is connected to the Internet. However, if you have to apply the update manually, you should be able to deploy MSRC-002 from Protect.


    You cannot update root certificates on operating systems that are not within the Microsoft support lifecycle. Ensure that you are using a supported operating system and service pack level.


    In the event the computer is not connected to the internet to automatically update these files they must be downloaded/distributed manually. Though Protect designates 2 different Bulletin Id's for root certificates (MSRC-001 & MSRC-002), they both use the same patch from Microsoft. If root certificates need to be installed, but protect is unable to do so, download the patch directly from Microsoft and run.

    Download Here


    When you run the exe, it will run and vanish. It will not give a completion message.


    Patch states it is for XP, but if you read the article below under the section "Root update package installation on disconnected environments" it states it works on other OS's as well.


    Microsoft Article:Windows Root Certificate Program members


    Affected Product(s)

    Shavlik Protect 9.x

    Problem pushing out patches to machines from both agent and console




    Looking for some help on Shavlik Protect and patching our user machines. Been trying to get this sorted for quite a while and haven't cracked it.


    All of our user machines have agents installed that are set up with a template to patch all security and non-security patches. We have all security and non-security patches downloaded to a patch group that this looks at. When we first deploy the machines, we install the agents and run a manual scan from them and this seems to work fine. What we find over time, is that looking at the machine list all of our machines have a varying number of missing patches and we don't know why these won't install. If we run a manual scan of the agent task, it detects that the patches are missing, approves them for deployment and then ends patching process without any error or attempt to install them. No idea where to start with this one?


    I've also tried to manually deploy the patches from the console, which has its own issue. From the console, these missing patches seem to work if I try to push them out with an immediate reboot after patching but what I want to achieve is that they install in the background and then the reboot is down to when the user reboots their own machine. When trying to manually patch them like this with a template that never reboots after execution, I then find that the patches sit as 'Scheduled' and then never install, eventually moving back to 'missing patches' after a certain amount of time.


    Any help on where to start with both of these would be great.. Ideally we'd like the agents patching the machines automatically but at the moment neither method is working and we are left with a large amount of patches missing across all our machines.



    Patch Day Checklist when using Agents




    This document is meant to provide a checklist that will ensure successful deployment of patches when using agents with the Protect product.




    Checklist for patch day when using agents with Protect


    1) Make sure you are signed up for the XML Announcements list. This gives you up to date information on when XML releases and what new patches have been added into the product. Whenever our data content team releases new patch definitions for Protect you will be sent an email notification.



    You can also see the latest patch defiintion information at these sites:




    2) Once the latest XML is live make sure your Protect console is updated.  Run Tools > Refresh Files.  This will check in with XML.Shavlik.com and update any new XML and Engine files.


    You can Automate this update by doing the following:


    In Shavlik Protect 9: Go to Tools > Operations > Downloads. Under 'Schedule automatic downloads' choose Core engines/definitions in the drop down, then click the Add button to the left. You can then set up a schedule for the definitions to automatically download. You may also want to set up the same type of schedule for Threat Engines/Definitions.


    In Protect 8: Go to Tools > Options > Definitions. Put a check next to 'Periodically download new definitions', and you can set the schedule.


    3) Download patches you need to push for this patch cycle.


    This step is required for agents using a distribution server for patch downloads, but is optional for agents set to download from vendor over internet.


    The best way to do this is to scan a test group of machines that include all products and platforms that would be found in your production environment.  From that scan result select and download all or selected patches. Another method is to search for the patches you want within View > Patches and download any that you know are required.


    4) Synchronize your distribution servers. (Not required if your agent policy is set to downlaod via Vendor over Internet.)


    How to do this:


    In Protect 9: Go to Tools > Operations > Distribution Servers. Under 'Distribution Servers' highlight the distribution server you wish to synchronize. You must set up a scheduled sync - in the drop-down above the recommended method is to choose 'All engines, definitions, and patch downloads'. Then click on 'Add scheduled sync'. This allows the synchronization to take place on the schedule you set up, and you will now see the synchronization jobs listed under the 'Scheduled automatic synchronization' area. If you wish to run synchronization immediately you can highlight one of the scheduled syncs, then click 'Run now'.


    In Protect 8: Go to Tools > Distribution Servers > Synchronization tab.  Synch Engines and XML and Download Center. You can also enable automatic synchronization, which would take place at the same time as the schedule set up under Tools > Options > Definitions for the automatic download.


    5) Update any approved patch listing in the agent policy or patch groups that are being used. If you use these methods to limit what Protect can scan for or deploy you may need to update them accordingly to contain any newly released patches.


    Affected Products


    Shavlik Protect 9.x

    vCenter Protect 8.x

    Scan and Report Only User cannot add credential to machine group


    Hello All,


    I'm attempting to setup a Scan and Report user in my deployment using the User Roles provided.  The user is able to log into the console but they are not able to set a specific credential for the scan to use.  As my admin user I see that the same machine group does have a credential applied to it but when logged in as the Scan and Report Only user, the machine group does not have a credential.


    Is there a way to allow this user to either A) select the appropriate credential to scan a machine group or B) make it to where when an Admin populates the credential inside of the machine group it stays for all users to be able to use to scan devices?


    Let me know. 

    Do you guys and gals actually review patches before approving/deploying them?


    We're struggling to find out how we should best handle this and how others are handling things.


    Right now we only apply Security Patches and Security Tools. We haven't jumped into the Non-Security Patches due to the sheer quantity.


    How is everyone else doing this?


    So right now, if I scan my workstations for missing "Security Patches and Security Tools" I come up with 114 unique missing patches and a total of 3132 for all 120 systems.




    Then, if I scan that same group of computers, but only look for missing "Non-Security Patches" my numbers go through the roof. 513 additional, unique patches and a whopping total of 12,816 for these same 120 systems, and this is ON TOP of the security patches.


    So, do you apply all patches in your environment? Security, Security Tools, Non-Security?

    How do you possibly review all of these without having a massive staff? (Who has the time to review 513 patches and understand what each one does?)

    Do you have a change control board/process in place? Do they review patches?


    Just trying to learn what everyone else is doing. Security auditors are beating us up because we have some patches missing but most of those missing patches are Non-Security Patches (so they should not matter for a security audit) but they are are dinging us for not applying them anyways.


    Just looking for feedback.

    Protect Report for Computer's Needed Updates & Service Packs


    What is the best way to generate a report on the needed updates & service packs for a specific computer or computer group?

    When deploying patches, some HP machines hang during reboot


    We mostly have HP 4300 Pro and 6200 Pro work stations. It seems that when we push patches to some of the machines, they hang during reboot. This is both during pre-reboot or post-reboot. The machine goes down (black screen), but at the point when the power should cycle it just hangs. It never goes to the post screen. At this point, the user has to hold the power button in order to manually shut the machine down and then start it back up normally. This becomes a big problem when we have developers or support staff who access their machines remotely. Have you seen this before? If so, what is the cure? If not, what troubleshooting steps do you recommend?

    Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Patching Behavior




    The purpose of this document is to provide additional detail on how SharePoint Servers will be patched using Shavlik Protect.




    When performing a patch scan on a Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 the results show the following products needing patches:


    Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 x64

    Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 Core x64

    Microsoft Access Services Server 2013 x64

    Microsoft SharePoint Portal 2013 x64

    Microsoft Word Server 2013 x64

    Microsoft Education 2013 x64

    Microsoft InfoPath Forms Services 2013 x64

    Microsoft Slide Library 2013 x64

    PerformancePoint Services For SharePoint 2013 x64

    Microsoft SharePoint Multilingual Solutions 2013 x64

    Microsoft Server Proof 2013 x64

    Microsoft Visio Services 2013 x64

    Microsoft Excel Services Components 2013 x64

    Microsoft Office PowerPoint Services 2013 x64




    Protect will list all of these components as under separate product names. The reason for this is to ensure that only SharePoint 2013 Servers with the corresponding component installed are offered the patch. As offering all of these components when they are in fact not installed would result in multiple failures.






    Affected Product(s)


    Shavlik Protect 9.x

    How to Schedule Patch Scans




    This document outlines how to schedule a patch scan to take place at a future date/time.


    Once vs. Recurring  

    A scan can be scheduled to run a single time at a specified date/time. Alternatively the scan may be scheduled to run at the same time on different days, or on a desginated day each month; these scheduled scans occur until removed from the scheduler.

    Related Document: How to Cancel / Delete Scheduled Tasks


    Scheduling a scan using the 'Once' option will cause a scan to be run a single time at the designated date/time.


    Example: The image shows a scheduled scan that will begin on February 1, 2014 at 6:00 PM. Because this is a 'Once' type scan, it will not occur again.



    Recurring - Daily

    Scheduling a scan to be 'Recurring Daily' will cause the scan to be run at the designated time on the specified days. To stop the jobs from continuing to run, the scheduled task must be deleted.

    : The image shows a scheduled scan that will occur Weekdays (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) at 6:00 PM. Because this is recurring, this will happen every week at the same time on the same days.


    2-recurring daily.png

    Recurring - Monthly

    Scheduling a scan to be 'Recurring Monthly' will cause the scan to be run at the designated time on the specified day each month. To stop the jobs from continuing to run, the scheduled task must be deleted.

                   Day of Month to Run

    Example: The image shows a scheduled scan that will occur the 21st day of every month at 6:00 PM. Because this is recurring, this will happen every month on the 21st at the same time.


    3-monthly days.png

              The First, Second, Third, Fourth, Last Occurance of Day


    Example: The image shows a scheduled scan that will occur the SecondTuesday each month at 6:00 PM. Because this is recurring, this will happen every month on the 2nd Tuesday at the same time.


    4-monthly second tuesday.png



    Scan Settings

    When scheduling a scan there are 4 options to define.

    1. Name this operation (optional):
      • This will be displayed in the scheduled task manager, scan results, and logging.
    2. Select/confirm targets:
      • Define the machine groups that will be part of the scheduled scan by adding checkmarks to them.
    3. Select schedule:
      • Select the scheduling options. More information on this in beggining of this document.
    4. Select/confirm operation:
      • Identify the scan template to be utilized.
    5. After setting up the the scan to use the template desired, the machines needing to be scanned, and the frequency of the scan to occur, click the Schedule button.

    7-scan options.png


    If the job is scheduled successfully you will see a toast popup indicating such.





    Method 1 - From Home Screen 

    Within Protect, click the Home button in the upper left corner of the GUI. The Home screen will display options to setup a scheduled scan.


    Note: One or more groups may be selected to have the scheduled job ran against them.


    5-home screen.png



    Method 2 - From Machine Group


    Within Protect, in the navigation panel on the left of the interface, select to view Machine Groups.


    1-view machine group.png


    Click on the intended Machine Group.


    2-select machine.png


    Within the Machine Group editing window, choose Run Operation.


    3-run op.png


    The Run Operation screen will display options to setup a scheduled scan.


    4-run operation window.png



    Method 3 - From Machine View

    In Protect choose View> Machines.


    1-view machines.png


    In Machine View, select the Machine(s) to schedule the scan against.
    Right Click
    Choose Patch Scan
    Select the desired Scan Template


    2-machine view.png


    The Run Operation screen will display options to setup a scheduled scan.


    3-run operation.png



    Affected Product(s)

    Shavlik Protect 9.x

    Using Telnet to test ports





    To test if a connection is successful through a specific port.


    Note: Operating Systems Vista and newer may require enabling this feature first.


    How to Enable the telnet client for Windows Vista, 7, 2008, 8, & 2012


    Access Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Programs and Features

    On the left side, click on "Turn Windows features on or off"

    Once the list loads up, scroll down and look for "Telnet Client". Put a check in the box next to this, then hit "OK". It may take a few minutes to install telnet client.



    Using Telnet


    Open Command Prompt and enter: telnet {MachineName} {Port}


    For Example:

    telnet {machinename} 5120



    If the command prompt returns a blank screen the connection was successful on the indicated port.

    telnet result.png


    If an error occurs verify the MachineName as well as port. If Machine name is correct, the port may be blocked.



    A common Test for Protect would be:

    Console to Target:

    telnet {machinename} 5120


    Target to Console:

    telnet {machinename} 3121

    Console to Agent:

    telnet {agentmachinename} 4155



    Additional Information


    Related Documentation:



    Shavlik Protect Inbound and Outbound Port Requirements Explanations

    Shavlik Protect Inbound and Outbound Port Requirements Explanations


    You can find more information on telnet with the following methods:


    In command prompt run: telnet -?


    Refer to the following Microsoft articles:

    Telnet protocol: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/231866

    Telnet commands: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb491013.aspx



    Affected Product(s)


    Protect Version: All

    Scan Error 802: "Unable to open Virtual Disk" When Attempting To Scan Hosted Virtual Machines




    When attempting to scan a Hosted Virtual Machine or virtual machine Template, you received the error "802: Unable to open Virtual Disk (*****)



    The system could not read boot.ini file in hard drive at '%s'.

    Unable to read the image's boot.ini file after successfully mounting the hard disk.


    Steps for Troubleshooting


    Please familiarize yourself with our Online Documentation regarding Virtual Machines



    VM Template patching requirements:



    The first thing to try is to refresh your Hosted Virtual Machines in Protect. This can be done by opening Machine Groups, clicking on Hosted Virtual Machines and click Refresh. Please also verify your credentials are set correctly for the problematic machine. This will solve many errors.


    Next, notice that there are a number listed after the words Virtual Disk.



    Error: 802 Unable to open Virtual Disk (14009)

    Error: 802 Unable to open Virtual Disk (16064)


    Please search the error listed here:http://www.vmware.com/support/developer/vix-api/vix110_reference/errors/errors.htmlThis can help you troubleshoot your issue.


    If the error code is related to connectivity and you have verified your credentials are set correctly, It could be a port problem. Please see this documenthttp://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=1012382for a list of necessary ports.

    More information can be found in the HF.log (if your logging has been previously set to all in tools-options-logging)

    This is located

    • Windows 7, 8, 2008, 2012 & Vista: C:\ProgramData\LANDesk\Shavlik Protect\Logs
    • Earlier OS’s:  C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\LANDesk\Shavlik Protect\Logs


    If you still cannot resolve this issue, please erase the logs, recreate the issue and gather the logs. This can be done by following this guide:http://community.shavlik.com/docs/DOC-22921


    After you have gathered the logs, please open a support case athttp://support.shavlik.com/, or by calling into support and having them open a case for you. Here is the link to the contact information:http://www.shavlik.com/support/contact/




    Additional Information       


    If you receive scan error 802 - Unable to open virtual disk (4000) you can refer to this document.



    Affected Product(s)


    Shavlik Protect 9.x

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