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cannot download flash_1300244


install_flash_player_!3_plugin1300244.exe        The remote server returned an error  (404) not found

this patch is rated as critical

  Patch assessment (expected):

please fix download link

.NET patches show as missing


Most often when I install .Net patches, they show as missing after being patched.

I decide to troubleshoot this on my current server (2012) with protect 9.1 patch 1.  It is showing that it is missing MS14-046 (Q2966828) Vulnerability in .NET framework...

I installed the patch with the standard deployment template, rebooted and rescanned.  It showed as still missing.  I checked the Cl5 log and saw nothing amiss.

I deployed the patch again, except this time with a delay.  I checked between deployment and execution and the patch file was there.  The bat file runs and there are no errors in the log file.

The post deployment scan shows the patch as missing and the comment is "File version is less than expected..."


The security auditors are not happy to see patches missing.




manage scheduled tasks for multiple domains (browse credentials?)


Is it possible to manage scheduled tasks in multiple domains or forests using 9.1 ?


We have multiple domains (Test, Dev etc.) that I patch using Protect.  I can define credentials for these domains to scan and patch, however, in previous versions I could not manage scheduled tasks because the system would only use my default credentials to authenticate.  Since these credentials were for a different domain, they naturally failed.  I think this would be "browse credentials"??


I thought I saw that this problem was resolved with the current version, is this true?  Is there somewhere I need to set this up?


I also have machines and domains show up in the list that no longer exist, how can I remove these?




Understanding patch severity in a Shavlik Protect patch scan and why it may differ from Windows Update



This article provides information about how patch scans with Protect may differ from Windows Update scans, specifically concerning patch severity.



Microsoft publishes severity information with each bulletin. The Shavlik Protect interface displays the Microsoft severity for each individual patch by Qnumber. Each Microsoft Bulletin includes an overall maximum severity rating listed at the top of the bulletin and it is displayed in the Security Bulletin Search page. For example, for MS05-001, the maximum severity rating is Critical.


Within each bulletin, the severity ratings are further assigned by the underlying operating system. The severity rating for the issue may be different, based on which operating system is involved. These specific settings may be viewed by expanding the Executive Summary of the security bulletin. For example, for MS05-001, the severity rating for NT4, Windows 2000, and Windows XP is Critical. The severity rating for Windows Server 2003 is Moderate.


In the Protect GUI, the vendor severity rating is displayed for each patch and it is specific to the operating system or application that is installed. For NT4, Win2K, and XP systems the vendor severity rating for MS05-001 is displayed as Critical, while the same issue for WS03 is displayed as Moderate.


Microsoft Windows Update (including Microsoft Update) categorizes updates in two buckets: High Priority and Software-Optional.


The High Priority bucket includes both security-bulletin related patches and non-security patches. The Software-Optional bucket usually includes new software applications that can be installed (such as Windows Powershellv and Windows Search).


Protect scans for and deploys all Microsoft security bulletin related patches. Each Microsoft security bulletin related patch is assigned a Microsoft severity rating (Critical, Important, Moderate, Low) as detailed in the security bulletin.


The severity rating in Protect properly reflects the rating assigned to the individual patches for the specified products, rather than the overall severity rating assigned to the bulletin as a whole.


Protect also scans for and deploys many of the Microsoft non-security related patches. These patches are for issues such as performance and scalability-manageability. In Windows Update, these patches are included in the High Priority bucket alongside their security counterparts. In Protect, these patches are included as non-security patches available to be scanned via the WUScan scan template, or in a custom template when non-security patches are selected.


Non-security patches, whether scanned from Windows Update or from Protect are NOT assigned severity ratings. (Severity ratings are only assigned by Microsoft for security patches referenced in security bulletins.)


Microsoft includes both security and non-security patches in their High Priority bucket. This sometimes leads to confusion when prioritizing the patches that need to be installed. Shavlik recommends that all security patches be considered for installation (after appropriate internal testing). Shavlik recommends installing non-security updates as required by the business situation. Non-security updates are not necessary to maintain the security posture of your system.


Another point of common confusion is the Update Type attribute that is displayed in Windows Update. This column displays Important or Recommended. This is commonly mistaken for the patch severity, however this is not related to security patch severity (Critical, Important, Moderate, Low). To see the security patch severity, click the update title on Windows Update, then click the corresponding More Information link to view the security bulletin and associated patch product severity rating.



Why does Microsoft show some non-security updates that Protect does not show?

While Shavlik strives to maintain consistency with Windows Update non-security patches, there may be times when Microsoft has released a non-security patch and Protect has yet to support that patch. Protect prioritizes patches to include support for security patches first, then non-security patches. If you see a non-security patch on Windows Update that is not listed in the Protect product, submit a request at http://shavlik.featureidea.com/ and request that the patch be added.


Why does Protect show some non-security updates that Windows Update does not show?
Shavlik strives to add support for as many non-security patches as possible. This includes both those listed on Windows Update as well as those available from the Microsoft Download Center (that may not be available via Windows Update). Many times we identify (or customers ask us to support) relevant patches on the Microsoft Download Center that are not on Windows Update (which may or may not be supported by Windows Update in the future). In these cases, you may see Protect scanning for and recommending non-security patches that are not on Windows Update. As with all non-security updates, use your own judgment to determine if the specific patch is relevant to your organization and prioritize deployment of those patches accordingly.


If a Protect Security Patch and/or WUScan scan shows my system as fully patched and Windows Update shows some missing High Priority updates, is my system really \"secure\"?
Yes*. The Protect Security Patch (default) template scans for all security patches. The WUScan scan template scans for all security patches as well as non-security patches. Both of these templates identify any missing security patches that need to be installed on your system to consider it fully patched with respect to security patches. (* Secure in this sense means fully patched for security issues. Configuration settings may still be required to fully secure your system for non patch related items).


Do I need to install all non-security High Priority items recommended by Windows Update?
No. Security bulletin related patches are the most important items to install. You should install all security bulletin related patches (pending your internal testing). Non-security patches can be installed to help address specific non-security issues as the need arises. It is not necessary to install these High Priority non-security patches to be secure.


Shavlik recommends scanning with the Security Patch Scan template and apply the patches that it finds missing. Use the non-security WUScan scan template as needed to find those non-security items that you wish to install.


What if I see a non-security High Priority patch on Windows Update that is not listed in the Protect product?
Submit your request at http://shavlik.featureidea.com/.


Why does Protect show security updates that Windows Update does not show?

The Protect application scans for security updates for both Microsoft and non-Microsoft products that Windows Update Microsoft Update does not scan for. For Microsoft products, this includes items such as Office 2000, Step by Step Interactive Training, Messenger, Services for Unix, FPSE, SQL 2000 (pre SP4), ISA Server.


The Protect application also scans for security patches on non-Microsoft products such as Sun Java, Mozilla Firefox, Apple iTunes, Adobe Acrobat and Reader, Adobe Flash, Citrix, RealPlayer, and others. Windows Update does not scan for or patch these third party products.

Why Shavlik Protect Patch Scan results differ from Windows Update




An explanation of why Shavlik Protect patch scan results may show different patches needed than when running a Windows Update.



Shavlik Protect uses different detection logic to scan for patches than Windows Update and other patch vendors.A Windows Update scan has the ability to show missing Security Patches, Non-Security Patches, Security Tools, driver updates, and sometimes patches that aren't publicly downloadable.


Depending on what Scan Template you are using in Protect, the results will vary. The built-in security patch scan will only show missing security patches. The built-in WU scan will show missing security patches and non-security patches. And please note - we don't always include all non-security patches in our XML data right away either, as security patches take precedence.


You can always create a Custom Scan Template, and check security patches, non-security patches, and security tools for the most robust scan with Protect.


Shavlik uses a variety of methods to see if a target machine needs a patch.  The process is detailed in the document "Explanation of how patch scanning detection works with Shavlik Protect" which can be found here:http://community.shavlik.com/docs/DOC-2259.


Administrators can view files and registry entry criteria by searching for the patch in View > Patchesof the Shavlik Protect Console main menu.


See this online help file for more information on using Patch View:



There is also a difference in how Protect displays criticality and vendor severity. See this document for further information concerning this:
Understanding patch severity in a Shavlik Protect patch scan and why it may differ from Windows Update


Affected Products

Shavlik Protect 9.x

Problems with Shavlik Cloud and Windows 8.1?


We have two laptop users running WIndows 8.1OS. They are logged into the internet all the time. Somehow, the Shavlik Protect cloud agents for their machines do not run properly. In my console I can see that the last checkin was in the spring.

1. Are there known issues with W8.1 and Shavlik Cloud? Maybe I should uninstall?

2. What do you recommend for fixing this on their machines?


Shavlik Licenses


How do you know if the license installed on a machine is a workstation license or a server license?

Pending rescan status




I've been experiencing what I'm guessing to be timeout issues with Shavlik Protect. I've had this issue for some time now and am finally fed up and looking for advice.


We are using Shavlik Protect Advanced 9.1.0 Build: 4334, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 and SQL Server 2008 R2. Agentless patch management.


This is what happens:

Regardless of whether its a scheduled deployment or manual, after a server has patched and rebooted, the console reports back that it is pending rescan but only on servers that do not reside locally. This happens for all servers in Europe and Asia, running English Windows. If I deploy patches to a server in Europe first, and then a US server, the US server will be stuck in that "pending rescan" state like its queued up behind the European one. If I run the US one first, no issue. If I wait 24-48 hours, they will both eventually report back.


Timeout settings are already set to the maximum of 300 and we have WAN Accelerators in place.


If I watch STPatchAssessmentSrv.exe in task manager, after issuing a patch to a non local server, it doesn't move for long lengths of time. I've gone away and come back after an hour and sometimes the information moves, other times it does not.

If I kill STPatchAssessmentSrv.exe and then rescan the local server, I'll get the results fast but that really defeats the purpose of working toward a more automated approach. Then there is the long wait time to scanning the non local servers again.


I am looking for recommendations on how to approach this situation.


Thank you.

Can you just run a scan without patching automatically?


I am trying to find out if I can run a scan on a set of computers and Shavlik not automatically patch them.  I want to just run the scan, see the results and patch what I want at a later time.  I have tried to find info on this and from my testing it seems this is not possible.  If it is, could someone let me know how?  Thanks..

Patch deployment stuck on "Executing"


I am new to Shavlik and have been doing some testing to get comfortable before trying any major deployments.  I performed a scan on a computer and tried to deploy two patches.  Both are stuck on "Executing" as their status and have been that way since around 3pm yesterday.  The communications should be fine between Shavlik and the computer and I am signed in with administrative credentials.  Any idea why the patches are not being completed?

How do others push out IE 10?




I am new to Protect and can't figure for the life of me how to push out IE 10 to all my desktops. I have tried running a software distribution scan on the machines, but it only finds patches for installed products and doesn't actually offer up IE 10 for install? Any help would be appreciated.




Shavlik Protect shows Q2959936 missing on Win 7 Ultimate machines




Per Microsoft, KB2959936 applies to the following OS

  • Windows 8.1 Enterprise
  • Windows 8.1 Pro
  • Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter
  • Windows 8 Enterprise
  • Windows 8 Pro
  • Windows Server 2012 Datacenter
  • Windows 7 Professional
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise

KB article hyperlink: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2959936


But Shavlik Protect 9.0 shows it as missing on Windows 7 Ultimate (x64) machines also.


I am wondering whether this patch applies to Win 7 Ultimate (x64) also?




How to Install Internet Explorer with Protect



The purpose of this document outlines the process of using Protect to install Internet Explorer.  You can also view Software Distribution Best Practices and Informational Guide or more information about using the Software Distribution feature.



To install IE with Protect you will need to use the Software Distribution to do this.


First you will need to create a scan template to detect the version of IE you will want to install.


The first step for this is to create a patch group that contains the installer patch for IE. To do this go to view patches then in the search you will input MSIE-010 (This is for IE10, IE11 would be MSIE-011). Then you will see the QNumber QIE1061N right click on this and create new patch group.



Now you will name and save your patch group.

Next Step is to create the scan template.


Go to New\Patch Scan Template

Under the filtering tab you will need to select the “Scan Selected” under Patch Filter Settings and select your patch group.


Now on the General tab of the scan template you will want to check the box “include effectively installed patches  and leave “Both missing and installed
patches” selected


Now on the Software Distribution tab you will need to check the box “Software Distribution” so the scan template will show results for Software Distribution patches


Now you can scan the machine you want to install IE on and it should either show you the IE version is either missing so you can deploy it or it is effectively installed



Windows PowerShell 4.0 software distribution?


Hi!  I was looking to push PowerShell 4.0 out to some pcs, but did not see it in the list for software distribution.  I do see Windows Management Framework Core Package 3.0, but not 4.0.  Am I missing something or is it not available?


MS14-052 and MS14-053 not showing up in my list of missing updates


There are two recent updates from the September 9th set that are not showing up as missing on any of my machines. MS14-052 and MS14-053 are not showing up, and I even ran a default WUScan just to make sure my template was not causing the issue.


What's odd is that the September Patch Tuesday Round Up Blog even highlighted both of them.


My weekly Nessus Scan caught them both.


Any ideas why that would be? How can I view a list of all available current patches and their statuses?

.NET patches show as missing


Most often when I install .Net patches, they show as missing after being patched.

I decide to troubleshoot this on my current server (2012) with protect 9.1 patch 1.  It is showing that it is missing MS14-046 (Q2966828) Vulnerability in .NET framework...

I installed the patch with the standard deployment template, rebooted and rescanned.  It showed as still missing.  I checked the Cl5 log and saw nothing amiss.

I deployed the patch again, except this time with a delay.  I checked between deployment and execution and the patch file was there.  The bat file runs and there are no errors in the log file.

The post deployment scan shows the patch as missing and the comment is "File version is less than expected..."


The security auditors are not happy to see patches missing.




testing remote access


Are there any tool / scripts to test remote access to a machine? I have tried to run GetRebootTime on domain assets but failed because of access issues. So, I am looking for a tool or script that could determine the cause of remote access being denied.


Shavlik 9.1.0 - cannot export a report to html


The option to export a report to html was available to us until this last version update of Shavlik.  Can you please tell me if this option will be re-added on the next version release?



How to manually check scheduled agent tasks via command



This document will explain how to view scheduled agent tasks by command line on client machines.


1. Open a command prompt as an administrator and then navigate to one of these locations:


32bit OS:


"C:\Program Files\LANDESK\Shavlik Protect Agent\

64bit OS:


"C:\Program Files (x86)\LANDesk\Shavlik Protect Agent\


2. Run this command to see all shceduled jobs for this agent.

STAgentManagement.exe -schedule


Additional Commands


You may also find these switches for STAgentManagement.exe helpful too.


-list  --  Get a list of running tasks.
-monitor  --  Start as a task monitor.
-checkin  --  force the agent to check in.
-update  --  force the agent to update all engines and data.
-status  --  get detailed information about a running task.


Affected Products


Shavlik Protect 9.x

Troubleshooting Shavlik Protect patch scan error messages






Many of the common Shavlik Protect scan errors can be corrected by changes to configuration or environment. This article lists the most common scan error messages and provides some guidance on correcting the issue.




Scan errors can occur:


  • If one or more of the Shavlik Protect Scanning Prerequisites have not been met 
  • If one or more configuration issues are present in Shavlik Protect 
  • Due to one or more environmental issues




The table below lists the error codes with the known reason or solution. Most scan errors can be resolved by ensuring you are meeting requirements.
Note: You can see the scan errors listed by viewing your scan result under the 'Results' section and viewing the 'Machines Not Scanned' tab of the scan result.


Error Code


Error Code 101:

Unable to determine System Language

The scan process reads the Windows ntdll.dll file to determine the language of the system. If this file is inaccessible, the prerequisite validation fails and the scan is aborted. See the following document for more information: http://community.shavlik.com/docs/DOC-23310
Error Code 105:
This issue occurs due to an access denied message at the root of the problem, or due to other enironmental or network related issues. See the following KB:
Error Code 200:
System not found. Scan not performed.
This indicates that the specified computer was not located and could not be scanned.
Error Code 201:
System not found. <system error message>
A network problem is preventing the specified machine from being scanned. Check to see that your computer (the scanning machine) is properly connected to the network and that you can remotely logon to the specified machine.
Error Code 202:
System not found. Scan not performed.
A network or system error occurred while the scan was in process. Check to see that your scanning machine is properly connected to the network and that the machine being scanned is still connected to the network. Also ensure that the remote machine is running the Server service.
Error Code 230:
Scan not performed. <system error message>
A general network error has occurred. See the system documentation for more information.
Error Code 235:
System not found, or NetBIOS ports may be firewalled. Scan not performed.
Most likely, there is no machine with the specified IP address. If a machine does exist at this address, a personal firewall or port filtering device may be dropping packets destined for TCP ports 139 and 445.
See the following KB: http://community.shavlik.com/docs/DOC-2220
Error Code 261:
System found but it is not listening on NetBIOS ports. Scan not performed.
A machine exists at this IP address but it is either not listening on, or is blocking access to, TCP ports 139 and 445.

Error Code 270:

Connected to a machine with the wrong hostname or domain name.

Ensure that you are meeting all scanning prerequisites, and that you are able to resolve the target system properly by forward and reverse nslookup.


nslookup target_IP_address

nslookup target_NetBIOS_name

Error Code 301:
SystemRoot share access required to scan.
Unable to connect to the remote machine’s system share. This may occur if the administrator has unshared the systemroot (typically C$ or similar) or has disabled the AutoShareServer(Wks) via the registry. Set Value from 0 to 1 in these registries:






For more information on restoring Admin Shares, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base article 318755.
Error Code 429:
DLL is not properly registered.
Error Code 430:
Incorrect version of MDAC.
Error Code 451:
Admin rights are required to scan. Scan not performed.
The current or specified user account performing the scan does not have administrative rights to the machine being scanned. Check to see that the specified account is a member of the local administrators group on the machine being scanned (or is a member of a group with local administrative rights).
Error Code 452:
NetChk is unable to scan this machine. Please check to see that you have administrative rights to this machine and are able to login to this machine from your workstation. Scan not performed.
Check to see that the Server service is enabled on the remote machine and that you can remotely logon to this machine. Ensure that the Workstation service is running on the machine performing the scan.
See the following KB: http://community.shavlik.com/docs/DOC-2218
Error Code 501:
Remote registry access denied. Scan not performed.
Check to see that the Remote Registry service is enabled on the machine being scanned.
See the following KB: http://community.shavlik.com/docs/DOC-2219
Error Code 502:
Scan not performed. Error reading Registry <system error message>
A general registry error has occurred. See the system documentation for more information.
Error Code 503:
Scan not performed. Error reading Registry.
A general registry error has occurred. No additional information is available.
Error Code 553:
Unable to read registry. Please ensure that the remote registry service is running. Scan not performed.
Check to see that the Remote Registry service is enabled on the machine being scanned.
Error Code 621:
OS of target is an unsupported version of Windows
The specified may be a non-Microsoft platform running SMB services or otherwise emulating a Microsoft product. Review the document: http://community.shavlik.com/docs/DOC-23052
Error Code 622:
Machine OS is not Recognized. Please run with tracing on and send to technical support. Scan not performed.
Unable to determine the operating system of the specified machine. This may occur when scanning beta or unreleased versions of Microsoft operating systems.
Error Code 623:
Machine Service pack is not Recognized. Please run with tracing on and send to technical support. Scan not performed.
Unable to determine the Service Pack of the specified machine. This may occur when scanning beta or unreleased versions of Microsoft Service Packs.
Error Code 701:
File http://download.microsoft.com/download/ ... secure.cab was NOT downloaded.
The signed, compressed CAB file containing the security patch information could not be obtained from the specified location. This may occur if the scanning machine is not connected to a network, or is otherwise unable to access the specified file or location. If the CAB file is not obtained, an attempt is made to access the uncompressed XML file via https.
Error Code 702:
File https://www.microsoft.com/technet/secur ... secure.xml was NOT downloaded. Attempting to find local copy of mssecure.cab.
The uncompressed XML file containing the security patch information could not be obtained from the specified location via https. This may occur if the scanning machine is not connected to a network, or is otherwise unable to access the specified file or location. If the XML file is not obtained from the network, an attempt is made to locate an existing version of this file on the local machine.
Error Code 799:
Itanium class servers are not supported by Protect.
Error Code 802:
Could not read boot.ini file in harddrive at '%s'
Unable to read the image's boot.ini file after successfully mounting the hard disk (non-Vista systems).
See: http://community.shavlik.com/docs/DOC-23104
Error Code 803:
Could not find windows install directory in boot.ini file in harddrive at '%s'
The virtual image hard drive was successfully mounted and the boot.ini file was read but the scan engine was unable to locate the %systemroot% folder at the specified location (non-Vista systems).
Error Code 804:
Could not find system32 directory for virtual system at '%s'
The virtual image hard drive was successfully mounted and the boot.ini file was read but the scan engine was unable to locate the %systemroot%\system32 folder at the specified location (non-Vista systems).
Error Code 805:
Timeout when mounting hard drive at '%s' to drive '%c'
An attempt to mount the virtual image was not successful. The mounting process timed out after 60 seconds. Try scanning this image individually to see if the mount succeeds.
Error Code 806:
Error mounting hard drive at '%s' to drive '%c'
An attempt to mount the virtual image was not successful. This can happen if the image being mounted is encrypted, is on a compressed drive, is a template or a linked clone, or any of the vmdk files are read-only. If this is a VMware Workstation or VMware Server image, this error occurs if the image is currently powered on or suspended.
Error Code 807:
Error mounting hard drive at '%s' to drive '%c' with exit code %d
An attempt to mount the virtual image was not successful. The mounting process returned an unknown error code. Contact support for assistance.
Error Code 808:
Could not get return code from mounting tool when mounting hard drive at '%s' to drive '%c' due to %s
The virtual image mounting process completed but the mount process was unable to determine if the mounting was successful.
Error Code 809:
Unknown virtual image type '%s' extracted from '%s'.
The scan engine was unable to determine the virtual image type. This may occur if scanning a currently unsupported virtual image platform.
Error Code 810:
Could not find system32 directory for virtual image: '%s'
The virtual image hard drive was successfully mounted but the scan engine was unable to locate the image's %systemroot%\system32 folder.
Error Code 811:
Could not get information about drive mounted at '%s' for system:'%s'
The scan engine was unable to determine the systemroot drive letter for the mounted image.
Error Code 812:
Could not open mounted registry key 'HKLM\\Software\\MountedDevices' for system: '%s'
The virtual image hard drive and registry was successfully mounted but the scan engine was unable to read the mounted registry.
Error Code 813:
Could not enumerate the values under the key HKLM\\Software\\MountedDevices for system: '%s'
The virtual image hard drive and registry was successfully mounted but the scan engine was unable to enumerate values from the mounted registry.
Error Code 814:
No path to vmware-mount.exe provided!
The scan engine was unable to locate the VMware mounting tool. Please make sure that the VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit has been properly installed.
Error Code 815:
Could not find mounting tool at '%s'
The scan engine was unable to locate the VMware mounting tool. Please make sure that the VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit has been properly installed.
Error Code 816:
Could not read system file at '%s'
The vmx configuration file does not exist for the specified VMware Workstation or VMware Server image.
Error Code 817:
Error parsing system file at '%s'
The scan engine was unable to read the vmx file for the specified VMware Workstation or VMware Server image. Check the vmx file and ensure that it can be read in a text viewer.
Error Code 818:
'%s'. Unable to mount the virtual image. The virtual image is currently powered on.
The scan engine was unable to mount the virtual image because the virtual image was powered on. The scan engine is only capable of scanning images that are offline (powered off).
Error Code 819:
'%s'. Unknown PowerStatus '%d'
The scan engine was unable to determine the current state of the image (powered on, suspended, powered off).
Error Code 820:
%s'. Scanning suspended or paused images is not currently supported.
The scan engine was unable to mount the virtual image because the virtual image was suspended (paused). The scan engine is only capable of scanning images that are offline (powered off).
Error Code 821:
Could not open Objects key in BCD for image at '%s'
The scan engine was unable to access the boot configuration data (BCD) for this image. This error message could indicate that there is a problem with the specified image. Try powering on this image to ensure that it is still valid. This error message applies to Vista images only.
Error Code 822:
Could not enumerate keys in 'BCD\\Objects' for image at '%s'
The scan engine was unable to enumerate information from the boot configuration data (BCD) for this image. This error message could indicate that there is a problem with the specified image. Try powering on this image to ensure that it is still valid. This error message applies to Vista images only.
Error Code 823:
Could find default boot section in the BCD for image at '%s'
The scan engine was unable to enumerate boot information from the boot configuration data (BCD) for this image. This error message applies to Vista images only.
Error Code 824:
Could not open key at 'BCD\\Objects\\%s\\Elements\\22000002' for image at '%s'
The scan engine was unable to open the boot information data from the boot configuration data (BCD) for this image. This error message applies to Vista images only.
Error Code 825:
Could find the Windows root in default boot section of the BCD for image at '%s'
The scan engine was unable to locate the value which stores the location of the windows directory in the boot configuration data (BCD) for this image. This error message applies to Vista images only.
Error Code 826:
Registry mount sentry is NULL!
The scan engine was enable to mount the virtual image's registry. The console may be running low on memory.
Error Code 827:
Hard-drive mount sentry list is NULL or empty!
The scan engine was unable to read the vmx file and/or this file had no hard drives configured for the image.
Error Code 828:
Could not mount registry for image '%s'. This could be caused by running a non supported configuration. Windows 2000 can't mount x64 registries.
The scan engine was unable to mount the registry for the virtual image. This may occur if using a Windows 2000 console and trying to mount x64 images (unsupported).
Error Code 829:


Error: 829 - Accessing disk ID
Error: 829 - Accessing disk ID, Code:16054 – Invalid connection

This error can occur due to a number of different reasons. This is an error that occurs prior to mounting the image - it is not related to mounting the image (like the errors above)


General errors:



Error Code 1001:
IPv6 addresses are not supported.
IPv6 addresses are currently not supported. Ensure that IPv4 is enabled.



Affected Product(s)


Shavlik Protect All Versions

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