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Trigger deployment based on previous results




Can you guys confirm if there is a way to schedule or start a deployment based on the results of a previous patch task? Basically, need to patch in waves depending on the previous results.



Conflict between Vmware Update agent and Shavlik Protect Patch Engine




Kicking off a patch scan in Protect throws the error, "There was a problem with initializing the patch scanner".


Log Excerpt:
2010-08-12 09:48:33.800 T 0e14:0e20 ShavlikXMLDocumentSource.cpp:161 Entering GetFileToUse
2010-08-12 09:48:33.800 T 0e14:0e20 ShavlikXMLDocumentSource.cpp:218 Using XML name of **C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Shavlik Technologies\NetChk\DataFiles\hf7.xml**
2010-08-12 09:48:33.910 T 0e14:0e20 Crypto.cpp:192 CryptDecrypt failed with -2146893819
2010-08-12 09:48:33.910 T 0e14:0e20 Crypto.cpp:1290 DecrFil Error: 0x80090005
2010-08-12 09:48:33.925 T 0e14:0e20 ShavlikXMLDocumentSource.cpp:100 LoadDocumentSync - baseExcepterror: Could not decrypt Shavlik data file at 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Shavlik Technologies\NetChk\DataFiles\hf7.xml'
2010-08-12 09:48:33.925 T 0e14:0e20 Combiner.cpp:500 CCombineHelper::AddError - Unable to load the assessment XML [C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Shavlik Technologies\NetChk\DataFiles\hf7.xml]
2010-08-12 09:48:33.941 T 0e14:0e20 PatchAssessment.cpp:262 ErrorCode - 0x80004005
Error Message - Unable to load the assessment XML [C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Shavlik Technologies\NetChk\DataFiles\hf7.xml]
Module - C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Update Manager Guest Agent\stPatchAssessment.exe





Some versions of the VMware Update Agent (VUM agent) use the same "stPatchAssessment.exe" that Protect uses. If you install the VMWare Update Agent on a machine that has Protect installed it will unregister the patchassessment.exe and Protect will no longer function.


This happens because VMware licensed the Shavlik SDK and used it for VUM.





You cannot have these same products installed on the same machine. The last one installed will be the one that works. The only fix is to uninstall the VMWare Update Agent and then uninstall and reinstall Protect.



Additional Information


To see additional documentation about VMware's VUM (vSphere Update Manager) please go here.



Affected Product(s)


VMware VCenter Protect & SDK - 8.x

Shavlik Protect & SDK - All Versions

Issues Caused by Missing Browse Credentials





  • When scanning a Hosted Virtual Machine in a Machine Group, the scan fails with error: Invalid credential for 'IP ADDRESS' (HYPERVISOR NAME) in Machine Group 'MACHINE GROUP NAME'
    • Example:  Invalid credential for '' (VMware vCenter Server) in Machine Group 'Test'
    • ST.Protect.managed log shows the following entry: Virtual Server '' with null credentials is unsupported.


  • A scheduleddeployment fails.
    • ST.TaskHost.Managed log shows the following: Virtual server not found for HostedVirtualSystem with managedMachineId (1) and scanId (18). Ensure the server has been added for this user (multi-user scenario).
  • A scheduled scan fails. The Results/Scan Summary shows: Warning: No machines were found in this scan
    • SCHF log shows the following entry: No machines to scan - resolved xml has no entries for machines

1-scan summary fail.png


When Admin1 adds a Hosted Virtual Machine to a Machine Group, that machine group is visible to all other Protect users. However, because credentials are user specific, the Browse Credentials necessary to access the hypervisor and subsequently the Hosted Virtual Machine, are missing for other users.


The first Symptom listed is caused by running a scan logged in as a user who does not have the Browse Credential Assigned to the hosted VM.

Scheduled symptoms are caused by setting the Default Credential as a user who does not have a Browse Credential Assigned.



Hosted VM Missing Browse Credentials


2-bad hosted vm.png



Hosted VM With Browse Credentials


3-good hosted vm.png





Add the vCenter Server or ESXi Hypervisor into Virtual Inventory.

  • Click New> Add vCenter Server/ESXi Hypervisor...

4-new esxi.png

  • Enter the Server details and select credentials to access the Hypervisor and click Add.



  • Reopen the existing Machine Group and verify that the machine now has Browse Credentials.

3-good hosted vm.png

  In the event the Hosted VM still does not show Browse Credentials, go through adding the Hosted VM into the existing Machine Group again. This will assign it the Browse Credentials.

Affected Product(s)

Shavlik Protect All

Shavlik Protect Requirements Guide





This document is meant to be a guide to link you to all requirements or pre-requisite information you may need for Shavlik Protect.




Below is a list of links to the different requirements you may need to use Protect or certain features within Protect.


System Requirements v.9.xhttp://www.shavlik.com/onlinehelp/Protect90HTMLHelp/System_requirements.htm
Port Requirementshttp://community.shavlik.com/docs/DOC-2161
Local Admin Requirement to open Protecthttp://community.shavlik.com/docs/DOC-23159
Hardware Performance Guidelineshttp://community.shavlik.com/docs/DOC-2256
Agentless Patch Scanning Prerequisiteshttp://community.shavlik.com/docs/DOC-23019
Agentless Patch Deployment Prerequisiteshttp://www.shavlik.com/onlinehelp/Protect90HTMLHelp/Patch_deployment_prerequisites.htm
Agentless Asset Scan Requirementshttp://www.shavlik.com/onlinehelp/Protect90HTMLHelp/Asset_Scan_Requirements.htm
Virtual Machine Template Patching Requirementshttp://community.shavlik.com/docs/DOC-23054
Agentless Power Management Requirementshttp://www.shavlik.com/onlinehelp/Protect90HTMLHelp/Power_Management_Requirements.htm
IT Scripts Requirementshttp://www.shavlik.com/onlinehelp/Protect90HTMLHelp/ITScripts_Requirements.htm
Virtual Infrastructure Requirementshttp://community.shavlik.com/docs/DOC-22971
Protect SQL Privilege Requirementshttp://community.shavlik.com/docs/DOC-1463
Agent Installationhttp://community.shavlik.com/docs/DOC-23004
Cloud Agent Prerequisiteshttp://community.shavlik.com/docs/DOC-23152

Affected Product(s)

Shavlik Protect 9.x

How to manually set language localization for the Shavlik Protect Interface





This document will show you how to manually set language localization for the Shavlik Protect interface. This workaround is only needed when the language settings in the Tools > Options > Display fails to change the language for the Shavlik Protect interface after restarting the GUI.




  1. Close Protect and open regedit.
  2. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\LANDesk\Shavlik Protect\Console\Options
  3. Add the String Value:  CurrentLanguage
  4. Modify the CurrentLanguage string and add one of the following language codes:













   5. Close regedit and open Protect and verify the Shavlik Protect interface language has change.


Affected Product(s)


Shavlik Protect 9.1.X

How to obtain XML data using a custom share or URL






The purpose of this document is to outline how to obtain Shavlik XML definitions using a custom share or URL.




This practice is useful in the event the Console is installed on a server without internet access, however can access a machine that can obtain data definitions via UNC path or URL.




To alter where the Protect Console attempts to get XML data definitions navigate to Tools>Operations.




Within the 'Downloads' tab alter the 'Definition download source' to use a Custom share or URL as seen below.






How to


Affected Products


Shavlik Protect 9.x

Patch Download Status and Corresponding Icons




This document explains the various icons displayed for Patch Downloads.


Icon Types

No Icon:

The patch is not available to be downloaded by Protect, and will only show as missing for reporting purposes. The most common reasons for this is the patches are no longer available to the public or it is a patch that cannot be installed without user intervention. In some cases you can contact the vendor and request the patch and install by hand or create a Custom Patch.

It is also possible Protect does not have the latest patch data files and a Help > Refresh Files will correct that.

no icon.PNG

Greyed Out Icon:

The patch has not yet been downloaded.  You can choose to manually download the patch or allow the deployment process to do it for you automatically.

not downloaded.PNG

Green Icon:

The patch has already been downloaded.



Affected Product(s)

Protect Version: All

Unable to run deployment : Error loading patch definitions: the given key was not present in the dictionary.


Getting error :

Error loading patch definitions : the given key was not present in the dictionary

Protect Version 8 Gives Error - Error loading patch definitions: The given key was not present in the dictionary.





Trying to initiate a task in Protect 8.x causes error: Error loading patch definitions:The given key was not present in the dictionary.


1- error.png


The ST.Protect.Managed log shows this error:


2014-06-05T22:04:24.5819375Z 0007 E WorkItemController.ErrorOnCompletion|System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.

   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)

   at ST.BusinessObjects.FileDownload.CoreFilesModel.get_ScriptCatalogFile()

   at ST.BusinessObjects.FileDownload.ScriptCatalogFileSet..ctor(String destinationDir)

   at ST.UI.Controllers.Tasks.WorkItemScriptCatalogDataDownload.BuildAndStartFileSet()

   at ST.UI.Controllers.Tasks.WorkItemScriptCatalogDataDownload.DownloadScriptCatalog(IStatusReporter statusReporter, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

   at ST.UI.Controllers.Tasks.WorkItemScriptCatalogDataDownload.Download(IStatusReporter statusReporter, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

   at ST.UI.Controllers.Tasks.WorkItemScriptCatalogDataDownload.Run(CancellationToken cancellationToken, PropertyBag state)

   at ST.UI.Controllers.Tasks.WorkItemController.RunInternal()

   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke()

   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()




VMware vCenter Protect 8.0, 8.0.1, and 8.0.2 reached end of service on 5/15/2014. All new content released by Shavlik is 9.x compatible only which causes 8.x builds to not operate correctly.



Upgrade to version 9.0 or 9.1 which are capable of handling the new content releases.

To upgrade go to http://www.shavlik.com/downloads/protect/ to download Shavlik Protect 9.1 or 9.0. Check the release notes for changes to the Console Pre-Requisites as they have changed.


Additional Information

If you are upgrading, it will be helpful to take a look at the document, Preparing for Upgrade of Protect and Resolving Common Upgrade Issues.


Affected Product(s)

Shavlik Protect 8.x

After updating to 9.1 custom scans do not show any results




After updating to 9.1 custom scans do not show any results



In previous versions of Protect when you created a new scan template the “Criticality filter settings” defaulted to “Scan All”





In version 9.1 by default they are not checked and reads “Detect only these user criticalities” If you upgraded to 9.1 these settings will be checked if they were before you upgraded. Unless you have set the criticality on the patches yourself you will not get any results.




Uncheck the User Criticalities



Affected Product(s)


Shavlik Protect 9.1



Best Practice & Q/A - Using Security Tools





The purpose of this document is to provide some Q&A and cover best practices on using the 'Security Tools' patch type filter within Protect.



What are Security Tools?

Within Protect it's possible to enable scanning for a patch type filter of "Security Tools". Security Tools are updates and security advisories such as Windows Defender updates and Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool. This also includes certificate updates and hotfixes for known security risks that are not yet fully supported by a security bulletin.


Scanning for Security Tools is enabled within a custom Patch Scan Template. (Figure 1)


Figure 1: Example of Filtering tab within a custom Patch Scan Template using the Security Tools filter:



Best Practice for Scanning/Deploying Security Tools


The best practice for using Security Tools is to only apply these when necessary and when proper testing has been done in your environment. Most items in set as a Security Tool in Protect apply only for specific scenarios. Make sure to read the corresponding Bulletin or KB article from the vendor prior to applying these updates.


Why do some Security Tools always show as missing?


There are some items classifed as security tools that will always show as missing due to the nature of the update. Please see the following document concerning these updates: http://community.shavlik.com/docs/DOC-23049



Affected Product(s)


Shavlik Protect 9.x

vCenter Protect 8.x

Shavlik SDK

Shavlik Rebrands

Contact Information for License Renewals\Sales





The purpose of the this document is to provide the current contact information for Shavlik's licensing renewals\sales teams.



Contact Information:


800-690-6911 (Option 1)


New customers:





Additional contact information can be found at http://www.shavlik.com/contact/.

Best Practice - Order in which to apply updates and service packs for agentless patch scanning and deployment





This document is meant to describe the best practices for the order in which to apply updates with Protect when using agentless patch scanning and deployment.




When preparing to deploy updates to your systems with Shavlik Protect, it is best to follow the order listed below:


  1. If you wish to deploy software using the software distribution feature of Protect, do so first.
    See the following document for more information on software distribution: http://community.shavlik.com/docs/DOC-23116
  2. Run a patch scan for Security Patches and/or (optional) Non-Security Patches and Security Tools.
    More info about creating a patch scan template can be found here:
  3. View scan results. How many service packs show missing? These should be applied prior to patches/hotfixes.
  4. Deploy operating system level service packs first.
  5. Run your patch scan again after applying OS level SPs.
  6. Deploy any remaining service packs. Take into account that each service pack must be deployed separately, and each service pack will require a reboot.
    This can seem tedious, however, it's important that you do service packs first. Service packs may update the base code for the application as well as apply currently missing updates during the process. New updates may be required once the service pack is applied as well.
  7. After all service packs have been applied, run a patch scan on the systems once more, and then deploy missing patches.


Additional Information


More information about agentless deployment of service packs and patches can be found in Protect's online Help under "Agentless Patch Management Tasks".


Protect Online Help:



Additional Information from Microsoft about best practices for applying updates can be found here:




Affected Product(s)


Shavlik Protect 9.x

vCenter Protect 8.x

Best Practices for Deploying Java in your Environment





Shavlik Protect users may encounter difficulties deploying Java. Most of these difficulties are casuse by Java being in use by having Internet Browsers, Programs that utilize Java or the Java Auto Updater Running at the time of deployment. This document walks through 3 recommendations on how to best avoid this.




Recommendation 1.  - Disable the Java Auto Update Service by using an IT Script


*Please first verify you have setup your environment for ITSCripts. Here are the requirements: http://www.shavlik.com/onlinehelp/Protect90HTMLHelp/ITScripts_Requirements.htm


it scripts.png



Find the Category Configuration and expand it. Right Click on  'Disable Java Update Service' and click 'Approve'. You may also click on the desired ITScript and click the 'Approve' button at the top.


it scripts1.png


Click the 'Home' button in the top left. Select your machine group/s that you are going to deploy Java to. under step 4, Choose 'ITScript...' on the first dropdown.


On the second dropdown choose Disable Java Update Service.


Click 'Run.' This will disable the Java Update Service on all selected Machines. This will stay disabled for new updates and new versions.


itscript 3.PNG



Recommendation 2.  - Deploy Java with the Pre-deploy Reboot option selected in your Deployment Template


This will eliminate the problem with programs in use during your Java deployment.


Verify this by viewing your existing Deployment Templates by clicking Templates-My Deployment Templates.


If you do not have a previous Deployment Template with the Pre-deploy Reboot option selected, you may create a new Deployment Template by clicking on New-Deployment template. By doing a Pre-deployment Reboot, this will ensure that no programs will be in use during the deployment.


java predeployment.PNG



Recommendation 3.  - Disable the auto startup of any programs that utilize Java. (Advanced Users only)


There are 2 ways to do this. Through Group Policy and on each machine. *NOTE changes to Group Policy or System Configuration can cause problems to your machines. This guide is for informational purposes only. Shavlik Protect Support won't support any problems caused from changes to the Group Policy or System Configuration.


There are multiple places that startup applications are listed. See here for more information. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/ee851671.aspx


Through Group Policy - See this document http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314488


On Each Machine - You can Verify what programs are set to start on boot by using the System Configuration.

Please read this article for more information. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows7/using-system-configuration


Open the System Configuration by typing msconfig in a run command and clicking OK.



Next click on the startup tab. Uncheck any Programs that use Java. Click OK.




The next screen will Prompt for a reboot. Please reboot before Java deployment.



Which Java version (32bit or 64 bit) should I use?



Affected Product(s)


Shavlik Protect 9.x

vCenter Protect 8.x

Software Distribution Best Practices and Informational Guide





The purpose of this document is to provide information about the Software Distribution feature in the Protect application.



What is the Software Distribution feature?

Shavlik Protect has the ability to push out software installations for many Microsoft, Adobe, Java, and other 3rd party products with a 'Software Distribution' feature. This allows you to deploy this software throughout your environment quickly.



Process for setting up Software Distribution scanning and deployment

The first thing you need to do to get started with software distribution is create a scan template. Best practice is to create one that is used solely for software distribution scanning.


1. Go to New > Patch Scan Template


2. On the Filtering tab, name your template accordingly and deselect any Patch Type Filters in the lower right section. It is recommended that you don't rely on filtering when using software distribution.



3. On the Software Distribution tab, ensure to check the 'Software Distribution' box to enable software distribution scanning for this template.

    *Note: The text box below is not interactive. It only acts as a list of products that can be pushed out with software distribution.


4. Go to the machine group you wish to scan for software distribution. Click the 'Run Operation' box. Then in the configuration for run operation, set step '4.Select/Confirm Operation' to use your software distribution scan template.


*Best practice: It's best to use run now for software distribution. NEVER set up a software distribution scan with an autodeploy. This will result in all software installing on target systems.


5. View the scan result. Highlight any systems you want to deploy software to in the upper pane. Then in the lower pane (Patches) highlight any software that you wish to deploy. Protect shows software distribution scan results just as it shows security patch scan results - which can make it a little confusing. The easiest way to view what the products are is by the "Bulletin Title" column.


You can use CTRL+Left Click to highlight multiple items. Then right click on any of the highlighted area, and choose Deploy > Selected Patches. The example below shows how it would appear if I wished to deploy the latest Adobe Air and Adobe Flash Player software.


*Best Practice: NEVER select Deploy > All Missing patches from a software distribution scan result. This will result in all software installing on target systems.




Is it ok to use Product or Patch Group filtering for Software Distribution?


Yes, you can use filtering. However, the caveat is that if you use a Product Filter - not all software distribution items are linked to the main product you would assume that they would be. Example: In the image above you can see that Adobe Air is obviously an Adobe product, however, the Product listing in Protect shows Windows 7 Professional. This is because of how we detect the software - which sometimes depends on what the operating system is.


This means that if you select the 'Adobe' Product Filter in your scan template it will not necessarily offer Adobe Air in your scan result.


A better way to set up filtering if it is to be used with software distribution is to use a Patch Group that contains specific Bulletins or Qnumbers to be scanned. Finding what Bulletin ID or Qnumber correpsonds to the software distribution product can be tricky. Many can be found by using View > Patches within Protect, and this can be made easier by creating a "Smart Filter". Here's how to set up the smart filter to display only software distribution items:


1. Go to View > Patches.

2. In the upper right click the button for 'New Smart Filter'. The caption will display if you hover over the icon.


3. Set up the rules for the filter. The rule for this filter is very simple - set the following:

     -1st drop down can be left to "any".

     -2nd drop down set to "Patch Type Description".

     -3rd drop down set to "contains"

     -Text: "Software Distribution"



Once the smart filter is set up, make sure it's selected in the Patch View, Smart Filters drop down. This will display all items that are of the patch type "Software Distribution" which makes it easier to pick and choose the items you want to place into your patch group.


Is it best practice to set up automation using recurring scheduled scan/deployment with software distribution?


No, the best practice is to use the method laid out in the steps above and deploy software based on selected items from the scan result. If you plan to attempt to automate software distribution you will need to ensure that you at least use a patch group for filtering so that you are not accidentally pushing out unwanted software.


Can Protect rollback or uninstall any software items I have accidentally deployed using software distribution?


No. There is no rollback function for a deployment from Protect. Protect does have the ability to perform an uninstall of some patches, however, the majority of software distribution items have no uninstall function that can be run from Protect. This is why you need to be especially careful not to deploy all the software that Protect has the ability to push out when using the software distribution feature.


Affected Product(s)


Shavlik Protect 9.x

vCenter Protect 8.x

How to process a Manual (offline) Activation for Shavlik Protect





This document is meant to provide the steps on how to perform an offline or 'manual' activation of the Protect application.




If you are unable to activate Shavlik Protect over an internet connection for any reason, you have to option to choose the 'Manual Activation' function. Here is the full process on how to use the manual (or offline) activation function:


1. Select an activation mode (either Product or bundle license or Trial mode).

2. Paste or type your key into the Enter your activation key(s) box.

3. Select Manual activation.

4. Click Create request.

5. An XML file named LicenseInfo.xml is generated and saved to the desktop of your console computer. This file contains the information needed to make an offline activation request.

6. Move the XML file to a computer that has an Internet connection.

7. On the Internet-connected computer, open a browser and go to https://license.shavlik.com/OfflineActivation.

8. Upload the LicenseInfo.xml file.

9. The web portal will process the license information and generate a license file.

10. Download the processed license file and move it to the console computer.

11. Within Shavlik Protect, select Help > Enter/refresh license key.

12. On the Shavlik Protect Activation dialog click Import manual license.

13. Go to the location of the processed license file and then click Open.

14. Shavlik Protect will process the file and the program will be activated.


If for some reason you are unable to activate using the offline activation portal mentioned above, please open a case with support and send your manual activation file in using the support portal: https://www.support.shavlik.com.


Please see this article if you need assistance registering: http://community.shavlik.com/docs/DOC-2265


Further details about activating the program can be found in the following Help document within Shavlik Protect:

Help > Contents > Installation and Setup > Getting Started > Activating the Program


Affected Product(s)


Shavlik Protect 9.x

vCenter Protect 8.x (except build 3756)

How to: Managing License seat usage with Shavlik Protect




This document is meant to provide information about how to track and manage license seat usage within the Protect application.



Overview on how license seats are tracked/assigned with Protect

From Protect Help (Contents > Installation and Setup > Getting Started > How Licenses are Tracked):


When a patch deployment is performed, Shavlik Protect records the machine name in the database if it does not already exist.  From there, the number of remaining seats available for deployment is reduced by one for each target. If you elect to use Shavlik Protect Agent, each agent machine is allocated a license and also counts against the total number of license seats available. If the same machine is managed in both an agentless and agent-based manner, that machine is counted only once. Similarly, when scanning virtual machines, a machine is counted only once even if it is scanned both in online (powered on) mode and offline (powered off) mode.


Additional Information

When a deployment seat is assigned to a system, it will be assigned to that system for 45 days as long as the system is not deployed to again.


Deployment seats are not 'assigned' to a system when a scan is performed. Only when a deployment or agent installation takes place.


How to view the number of license seats used and systems currently assigned a license seat

Basic view of license usage


To see an overview of all current license usage for a Protect console, go to Help > About Shavlik Protect. Under 'Licensed Capabilities' you will see some useful information such as your expiration date, the total number of license seats you have available, the number of deployment seats used, and the features you have enabled.





Obtaining list of systems currently assigned a license seat


There is a report that can be run within Protect to obtain a list of systems that are currently assigned a license seat.


To obtain this report in Protect, go to Tools > Create Report. In the drop-down next to 'Select report to view:', choose "Seat License Status". Then click the 'Generate report' button. The Seat License Status report will provide a listing of the following information; Number of total license seats available, number of license seats used, number of license seats remaining, and a full list of all systems that currently have a license seat assigned.


Example of Seat License Status report:




If you have used all your license seats


If you have used all your available license seats and need additional seats here are your options:


1. If you have used all your license seats and require additional seats to continue patching or installing agents you will need to get in contact with our sales team. They will be able to add seats to your license key.


Contact for sales team:

Phone: 800-690-6911, option 1

Email: sales@shavlik.com


2. If you are renaming machines or cycling old/new machines in your network this can cause you to run out of license seats (since Protect assigns a license seat to machines by machine name for 45 days). If this is the case you should contact support and provide your license key for a workaround.


Contact for support:



Affected Product(s)


Shavlik Protect 9.x

vCenter Protect 8.x

How to activate or renew Shavlik Protect console - Licensing








This document outlines the various ways to activate the Protect Console.  These methods are also used when the protect subscription has been renewed and the license needs to be refreshed.


Access the License Window


Help > Enter/Refresh license key




Shavlik Protect Activation window



Activate Online


Select "Product or Bundle license".

If this is a new license, enter your activation key and select Add.

Choose "Online activation".

Click "Activate online now"


If you are refreshing a license, leave the existing key and click "Activate online now"


Activate Offline


Select "Product or Bundle license".

If this is a new license, enter your activation key and select Add.

If you are refreshing a license, leave the existing key

Choose "Offline activation".

Click "Create Request"

The manual activation request file "LicensInfo.xml will be saved to your desktop.


Move the XML file to a computer with Internet access.

Go to: https://license.shavlik.com/OfflineActivation to upload the file, "LicenseInfo.xml".

The license portal will generate a license file for you to download and import





Select "Download Manual License" to download the manual license file and move it to the console computer

Within Shavlik Protect, select Help>Enter/refresh license key.

Import the processed license to the console by selecting  "Import manual license"'.

Click "select file" to browse for the file, ProtectLicense.xml, and click "Open".

Shavlik Protect will process the file and the program will be activated.


Trial License


Choose "Trial Mode" and hit "Create request".


Note : if you have a proxy, in order to go through the Shavlik licensing servers you will need to configure the parameters inside the "configure proxy" dialog box.


Affected Product(s)


Shavlik Protect 9.x

Shavlik Protect firewall and proxy exceptions URL list



  • Patch files fail to download
  • Patch definitions fail to update
  • Threat definitions files fail to download
  • Activation or License Refresh fails
  • Home page RSS feed fails to load
  • Product check for update fails



This article provides a list of required web addresses for the Protect application.



This issue occurs if one or more web addresses required by the Protect console server are blocked.



To resolve this issue, ensure that these Web addresses required by Protect are accessible and allowed through firewalls, proxies, or web filters:



If you require the IP addresses to create exceptions you can find the IP addresses used for XML.shavlik.com here. To obtain the IP for vendor sites you can ping the site for the current IP address or contact the vendor to obtain this information.

Affected Product(s)

Shavlik Protect, All versions

vCenter Protect 8.x

Shavlik Rebrands

Trigger deployment based on previous results




Can you guys confirm if there is a way to schedule or start a deployment based on the results of a previous patch task? Basically, need to patch in waves depending on the previous results.



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