This is a step by step guide on how to configure authenticated HTTP Distribution Servers. The guide will help you install and setup IIS and configure Distribution Servers in Protect 9.x.
Please Note: This document is based on Windows Server 2008 with IIS7.5.
1. Create a folder on the IIS server and share it. This folder will be the Distribution Server share where the patches and data files with be stored.
Install IIS and enable authentication by performing the following:
2. Use the wizard to add the Web Server (IIS) role.
7. Add the share folder that was created in the beginning.
8. Select the new Application and double-click on Authentication.
11. Create a Virtual Directory in the Application.
a. Right-click on Application and choose Add Virtual Directory.
b. Enter and Alias and set the Physical path to the share folder.
12. Enable Directory Browsing on the Application.
- Double-click Directory Browsing.
Click the Enable button
13. You should test the connection to the URL. You can do this manually through a web browser or use the Browse Virtual Directory located on the right side of the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager when you have the Virtual Directory selected.
Configuring the HTTP authenticated Distribution Server in Protect 9.X:
2. Go into Distribution Servers and click New.
3. Create the Distribution Server:
- Give it a Name.
- Select Authenticated HTTP.
- Enter the URL.
- Choose Credentials used to authenticate to the URL. Click New to create credentials.
- Enter the UNC path to the share folder.
- Choose Credentials used to authenticate to the UNC path. Click New to create credentials.
- Test the connections for the URL and the UNC to make ensure proper connectivity.
- Save.
More information on Distribution Servers:
Why use a Distribution Server?
Configuring A New Or Existing Distribution Server.
Deployment Template: Distribution Servers Tab.
Assigning IP Addresses To Servers.
Product Versions:
Protect 9.x