We are running in an issue where our Shavlik Servers are unable to deploy these three patches MS15-106, MS15-109, MS15-111 on any Server. If we install the Patches manually, installation is successful. Deployment of these three patches is NOT happening automatically on any of the Server in our environment.
Error: File not downloaded: Windows6.1-KB3080446-x64.msu
Error reason: Unable to connect to the remote server: https://download.microsoft.com/download/B/7/2/B72127C1-C437-4FB9-9988-61DE252EF9D7/Windows6.1-KB3080446-x64.msu
Error: File not downloaded: Windows6.1-KB3093983-x64.msu
Error reason: Unable to connect to the remote server: https://download.microsoft.com/download/F/2/C/F2CA62C8-774A-404F-BC21-1931546A6B2C/Windows6.1-KB3093983-x64.msu
Error: File not downloaded: Windows6.1-KB3088195-x64.msu
Error reason: Unable to connect to the remote server: https://download.microsoft.com/download/8/1/4/814EB11C-4FAF-4DF8-96D0-E7B987D84952/Windows6.1-KB3088195-x64.msu
Error: File not downloaded: Wireshark-win64-1.12.8.exe
Error reason: The request was aborted: The request was canceled.: https://www.wireshark.org/download/win64/all-versions/Wireshark-win64-1.12.8.exe
Zero patches are available and properly signed.
No patches were deployed. Please review the program logs to determine the cause.
Patch deployment canceled due to failure building deployment instructions. @